Friday, April 4, 2014

1075 - gorgeous melting day

Day 1075 Britt came in to say that Bird and Switch were out in the herd, seems Bird in her big blanket bust thru the hot fence to join the gang. There was the usual posturing but the day was not to bad. After Britt head off to school and Shaina went down to her bed from mine, I got busy in the shop. All the while I kept an eye on the herd.
early morning water walk for the old man and Switch on the out skirts of the herd (R)
I waxed the frame, mirror and snack table then staged pictures and posted. The frame sold right away.

Gail stopped out with some frames she scored for me at a garage sale, THANKS Gail!
After she left, I headed out and caught KD moving her to the small paddock behind shop much to her displeasure. I removed Brid's blanket and brushed her taking time to brush Switch as I passed her each time. She came right up to greet me when I first went out, such a sweet thing she is. Next it was time to catch Baby and add her to the Jenny Craig pen, she was even more displeased!

 she so wanted to check him out

 2 unhappy fatties

 the day started overcast but the sun came out and it hit 8 melting a ton of snow in one day
 D loves the warm deck
 Switch getting closer to the herd
 before they all run over to see the poor trapped chubbies
 It was then time to paint the 2 chunky little kids chairs 2 coats of paint each.
Shaina had a headache all day but eventually she went out later in the afternoon to change blankets on KD and brush her a bit more. I looked out the window to see switch on the outside near the shop. It seems the horses had cornered her near the gate and snow mound so she lept over, up over the huge bank and to safety of the shop side.. perhaps she will be a great trail horse!

I went out, caught her and she and I headed down the lane to the far gate. Her in hand trail classes showed well as she walked and trotted on command at my shoulder. Once back in the pen,, along with Diego with whom she is completely infatuated, we moved along the other horses to more open area and they went back to eating. Diego and I cleaned out the mineral tub with a snow bath, chipped out the middle frozen gate and closing it. This allowed me to let the 2 fatties out for more room to exercise themselves.
By now it was 7 so I made sausage and macaroni at the sick princess's request. As we were eating Britt arrived home from working after school to join us. She then got busy downstairs supposedly tidying room and homework... but not sure. Shaina was off to visit Emily around 9 so I updated the blog and relaxed as the sun set!

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