Tuesday, May 28, 2013

762 - more rain

Day 762 - repeat of Sheldon off to course, me to work and Britt to school. I grabbed mail and teas for work on the way in and after my morning of work, ran errands at lunch.

I dropped horse blankets and pads off to be washed and repaired, library return and pickup, Britt's 2nd retainer which did not fit  as well :-(, bought bedding plants and did UFA return. Whew all in just over an hour.

Back at the ranch I had lunch while Shaina searched for a summer vacation. The roofers were here at 730 but it was just the husband and wife so they did a bit and the shed before packing up by 2. Shaina left for town just after and the rain followed them both. It did not last long but it came back off and on and socked in around 10.
I planted up my front pots in betweens rains, I love flowers!!

Britt made a new larger kitty bed for the now more mobile kittens. She did feed the horses for me between showers too. Shaina returned with groceries so it was then time to unpack and start supper. Sheldon went out with guys from the course after for beer and wings getting home just after 6:30 in time to join us for supper.
the rainbows were so pretty between rains , Shaina snuggles her buddies
 the rainbows even came in twos and below the sun shone while it rained too
Rachel was out for a sleepover and vacation planning. Britt worked on art homework. (sketch of Beiber!!) I spent the evening working on my dreaded GST while Sheldon watched hockey.

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