Wednesday, May 1, 2013

735 - still have frost ~ May 1

Day 735 was sunny but frosty, - 8 Sheldon says when he left.. seems it was good idea we took trees back in garage but thought since pots so close to house they would be ok with a bit of chill, not that chilly though :-(
The day did not get better when I went to let Diego out and found 2 HUGE piles of dog crap in the garage and when trying to scoop up and clean floor with paper ended up with a finger in it!!! GRRRRR guess who is moving back outside now??

Britt caught a ride with Grady and I spent the morning cleaning. It seems that the birthday and painting has caused a lack of cleaning in the house so laundry and cleaning was a must. I fed the horses and cleaned poop in the pastures for a bit too. I also staged the blue table for sale too.

After home from school, Britt caught horses and her and I rode. I rode Scooter for the first time and what a good pony. She stays at a conditioning trot on a nice straight line. I trimmed her feet after as she ate her 2nd bowl of the day. Lord knows she can handle some added weight. The day warmed up quickly and was fantastic all day as there was NO wind!!

Britt and I ate then she did homework while I went out and scooped dog dung, garbage and rocks; pushed on with snow, off the grass. Once Sheldon arrived home around 7 after stopping for Unicorn drink night with the coworkers it was game on to get everything moved. Britt was recruited to come help pitch hay to horses with me and water plants in front planter which are peeking thru. Sheldon and I moved the temp fence west to make room for the drilling of the shop walls. Sheldon had to fill tires with air as many were flat. He put the travel trailer at the approach for sale, horse trailer by the house, dump trailer with bale by the shed and moved the white car and ski doos. By now it was dark so I went in to shower while he finished moving the quad trailer and trampoline pile. By 10 he was in to grab a bite to eat and get ready for bed. The ground is cleared for them to start work on the shop in the morning.

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