Thursday, May 9, 2013

743 - sunny NO wind!

Day 743 is a beauty day. Sunny with no wind! The workers were working early, Sheldon to work and Britt to school (today for first time in the truck!) I did some posting, picture taking and prepping before waking Shaina at 10.
Her and I left around 10:30 along with Coco for the city.  Our first stop was to Michaels to do an exchange and return and Shaina checked at Lammles in regards to her defective boots. We quickly dropped Coco off for her spa day with Cara who is working out of the city for now then raced to our dermatologist appointment  No real need to race as we waited until close to 1 to actually see Dr Campbell. She checked us, gave us prescriptions and injected a spot on me and a spot on Shaina's leg.

The beautiful day was a must for lunch on the patio so we went to a favorite of Kaylin's called the Broken Plate. It was Greek food and was good. Our next stop was Southcenter mall. I hit only one store Lulu Lemon before leaving Shaina and heading to my psychic appointment which I found out actually was yesterday, crap! I did get 2 cute summer tops (thanks Mom and Dad and GG Kuhn as that is what I bought with my birthday money) and a cute jacket Shaina bought me for Mothers day and my birthday, Thanks Dude!! XOXOXO Back to the mall to get Shaina then pickup Coco who was much cooler in her new haircut. (will post picture tomorrow)
Our last store stop was Amaranth health store then a drive thru Starbucks for an iced frappacino for the drive home. Britt was home by now along with Brooke for a sleepover. We were all going out to catch horses when Sheldon pulled in from work. He bowed out of riding to sit in the sun and drink beer after his "hard" work day. That and watch hockey!

Shaina and I did a more intense circuit and after she gave both KD and Julio a bath, Ju a more intense one which he really needed. I pitched hay then brushed out his dry areas and he looked 100% better.

Emily stopped out at 7 and she and Shaina headed to wing night about 8. Sheldon barbqued pizza and wings and we ate a late supper at nearly 9. The young girls watched movies and I updated the blog snapping these evening photos.
 love our sunsets every night out here!
todays progress
this is a gift Shaina brought her dad from Thailand, Thai beer and a coozie, the beer is 6.4%, holy! and it was good.
And this photo I finally got a chance to snap, Sheldon's farewell gift from the plant presented the night of his supper last week. A framed photo and a $300 gift card to his ultimate favorite store.. Canadian Tire!

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