Friday, May 17, 2013

751 - baby Ada Evangeline Elizabeth arrives

Day 751 was a busy day. Up early with the workers who were putting the ends on the shop, Britt headed to school while I got ready for a busy  day. Shaina arrived home at 1:45 am from wing night with friends who were sleeping over too. I enjoyed visiting with Kate and her boyfriend Dru (who I knew when little when we lived in Hanna) until Shaina finally rousted about 9:30. I quickly fed the 2 skinnies. Mom and Asher came out about 10. Today is the day Amanda and Craig have their baby.

Mom ran to town to get computer fixed and about 10:30 we got the called that baby Ada Evangeline Elizabeth was born 8.3 lbs. Asher held the kitties, help Shaina and friends catch horses and ride a wee bit then he and I headed to the swather and watched the building guys with the zoom boom finish the end siding. Shaina, Kate & Dru tacked up to ride. Lance and Alex stopped out to get a phone and Lance even gave baby a bareback ride around before they headed out.

We grabbed some lunch when Mom got back before heading to the city to meet miss Ada. The riders were just coming back as we were getting ready to leave. Kate even tried her hand at polox.

We got to the city about 1. Baby Ada was adorable and Asher was quite smitten from the get go. Gordon and Rita arrived after a bit to meet her too.

About 4 we loaded up and headed back to the ranch where Sheldon was home from work and made hamburgers. Britt was packing up to drive to Hussar to a friends for a sleepover, our little bird is flying smoothly. I added a yummy salad and we had a nice supper. After supper Asher helped me feed the horses while Mom came along to see shop progress and tree status. About 8:30 she loaded the tuckered out little guy and headed back to town to bath and put him to bed.

Shaina worked today from 2 to close and arrived home at 11 just as I was falling asleep. Sheldon fell asleep early around 9 tuckered out like Asher after a long day. I was just dozing off again as I heard Diego growl a bit then beating hooves. yes the horses were out again as the rubber stopper strap must not have been put on. So at 11:30 I am driving the quad in my Pj,s to shut the main gate and chase horses thru the field. Eventually Shaina and I managed to get them wrangled up and back in the pasture and I put the rubber strap up! However at 3:30 Coco wanted out and then back in at 3:57!! Oh my how sleep can be deprived!

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