Saturday, May 4, 2013

738 - ditch and pen cleaning in the sun

Day 738 was a beautiful sunny day. We woke up later than planned as today is ditch cleaning and our route is past Airdrie and starts at 10. We had a lady coming at 9 to pickup a dresser and we awoke at 8:45! lol We got up and at it packing water bottles and such. The lady was late but eventually we got away by 9:45 making a stop in town for fuel, tea and grabbing another painting project. (this is plastic!)
We arrived at our ditch destination just after 10:30 and by noon we were done. It is always amazing to see what people carelessly throw out there window rather than drop at the next trash bin. I think everyone should clean a ditch once in their life and perhaps they will rethink tossing items out the window (with the exception of cans which are eagerly picked up by many people and recycled)

The club was off to have a Kentucky Derby party but we decided on such a nice day we best finish cleaning horse pastures. We stopped at DQ for a quick lunch and Costco for a few returns before heading home. We  were back at the ranch by 2:30 and were in the pastures by 3. The 3 of us worked hard in the sunshine and it looked so much better by the time I stopped at 6 to go in and make supper.

Coco still loves a good quad ride
Supper was yummy as usual with barbqued tilapia but as we were eating we saw the horses escape there fields so it was a quad chasing roundup to get them back in. We fed them up and returned to the house to relax for the evening after a hot bath to ease a sore back. (and Sheldon's sore foot after all the walking)

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