Sunday, May 12, 2013

746 - Happy Mothers Day

Day 746 is Mothers day, happy Mothers day to all the mothers out there I know especially my own and my mother in law, very blessed to have you both!

Sheldon cooked a fine breakfast of pork sausage, eggs and a specialty he calls blackened potato pellets (wait we called them that) he called them hash browns. The girls were up to join us to eat (Shaina was home at 2:45 again after working till 1 and making $300 in tips!!) then we all got ready to head out just before 11. We stopped in Chestemere to get Tims then off to pickup Kaylin.

Today we going to I think our 5th Cirque Du Soliel show, this one is Amaluna. Craig and Amanda joined us too. It was enjoyable other than the clowns (they are a complete waste of time) this show is comprised of 70% women with the entire band female too.

It was over at 3:30 so we dropped Kaylin back home, Shaina grabbed some shorts because now the 29 degrees even overcast was too much for her jeans. A cold drink was grabbed from yet another Tims and we were off east on Highway #1.
We dropped Shaina off for 5 pm work and Britt and Sheldon and I went to the station for supper. It was ok, Britt was not feeling well so she only ate her soup and wasted most of her ceasar salad  I had a bout of tummy issues too but luckily Sheldon was there to help with my prime rib dinner. We were done by 6 and on the way home to the ranch grabbing the mail on the way.

Back home I fed the 2 ponies, sanded and put a 2nd coat of poly on the dresser and cuddled the kittens who 3/4 have their eyes open. Sheldon.. watched hockey and surfed the net on his tab. Britt watched TV.
 pip squeak is still blind
 smarties and licorice mostly open
Rylan kindly gave Shaina a ride home after her short work night at 7:45 and stayed for a visit. At 9 Britt and Shaina went for a soon to be dark ride :-) Lucky day for hockey fans with 3 games today.. if you are a hockey loving mom maybe!! :-)

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