Thursday, May 23, 2013

757 - opps another vehicle incident, does it come in 3's?

day 757 I was awoke with a start, actually a knock at the door at 6:55 am. Here it is Matt needing the skid steer. Through blurred vision we chatted quick with the sun shining behind him I said where is the rain, look west he said. Sure enough it was dark so out I bustled to put the downspouts on and feed all the horses.

Matt was back at 8:30, just after Britt headed to school in the truck for 2nd day in a row this week, with a chai tea and honey crueller.. what a nice guy, THANKS Matt!

round table washed up and below the west blown mist coming under the door, by full rain I was propping all furniture up everywhere off the wet floor
Just after 9 the first sprinkles started but did not last long but misty off and on all day. I spent the morning washing tables to refinish. Shaina came home from sleepover at noon. I stopped for lunch too. Britt called saying she had a fender bender :-( apparently backing into a fellow at a stop sign. OH MY!
 the kitties are getting playful now
 and try to walk and bat each other
I spent the afternoon stripping and sanding the 2 light tables, one round one rectangular. The rain finally arrived just after 2, let up a bit then again around 3 as Shaina headed to the city to go to health show with Kaylin and Gail.
half stripped and sanded, half not
 all done
 fine detail stripping
 that nail polish is still perfect

 all done and washed again, holes filled too
outside the rain soaked ponies frolic.. check out the 30 yr old Casanova and his 20 yr old bucking girlfriend in the far pasture

Britt was home after school forlorn heading to her bedroom after explain the details to me then again to Sheldon once he got home from work. He stopped to check out the damage himself and there seems to be a big difference of opinion on the value of "his baby"!
I am thinking some may have been there before the impact :-)

We had a late supper of scrumptious salmon rice and salad before all enjoyed relaxing after a action packed day for all. Britt did go out in the cool wet evening and feed the two older ones and pitched hay too, thanks Britt.

Sheldon watched hockey while Britt and I watched PVR shows. Rachel and Shaina arrived home around 9 and had a sleepover.

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