Sunday, May 5, 2013

739 - polocrosse home opener on Cinco De Mayo

Day 739 was another beauty day, fingers crossed  maybe spring has arrived!! Again we had a wee sleep in till 9:30 (Britt closer to 10:30) rising to get ready for our days adventure.. home opener starting at noon. Our plans to leave by 11 were a bit slower after packing snacks for horses and people, drinks, feeding other ponies and dogs, catching the ones going for the day and putting a for sale sign on the trailer at the approach as we left.

The afternoon was fantastic; Sheldon and Pepper, Britt and Bird and me and Miss KD enjoyed play in the sun. It was followed by snacks and beverages in the sun as well. We all had a touch of sun from yesterday and think many had it today as it hit 25 degrees. While tacking up I was excited to find a few things. There is nothing better than finding a lost treasure or something you forgot you had.. like money in a coat pocket. Today I found a bottle of baileys in the trailer (we were out for the w/e so no coffee for me!) as well as Shaina's missing ipod. She was thrilled when I told her.

We stopped at DQ on the route home for a blizzard (hollow leg B added a burger to her order) and was at the ranch by 5:30. In honor of Cinco De Mayo I made tacos for supper while the rest rested. After supper Sheldon and I went out to feed horses, what a gorgeous evening it was too.

Today is of course tomorrow in Aus, the day when Shaina  was leaving Australia, her adventure down under has come to an end. We chatted via facebook as she sat at the airport after successfully clearing customs. She was concerned they might hold her as illegal alien as her 3 months visa expired but she made it thru. Must have been her cute little face!

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