Friday, May 31, 2013

765 - few more shingles and projects done

Day 765 - overcast but no rain, the roofers showed at 8 as Britt was getting ready to leave for school. They worked hard finishing the west side and loading the east side up for preparation to do next week. They wrapped it up and headed home at 1 but not before putting deep ruts in some areas with the dump trailer. :-(

I worked on my furniture projects putting a coat of poly on the stained tops, waxing the round table bottom and aging the coffee table.

 below coffee table with just brown aging, I then added black too before staging
Lunch break then time to post my furniture again as well as stage the new coffee table pictures. Shaina headed to town just before 2 for her 2-close shift.

a lady wants to buy my chairs but wanted to see how looks with farm table, now she wants my table too
After school Britt caught horses and her and I rode. Poor hawk is so out of shape he was still huffing when I let him go even after hosing :-)

Sheldon finished up his last day of training by going to the city to drop stuff at his work to be transferred up to camp. he also ran to Costco to buy some trees (4 for $100!!) and was home just after 6:30.
We barbqued steak for supper and spent evening relaxing.
Kaylin says Lexi is not feeling so well, seems she has tremors and after I talked to the vet she says it is common neurological issue with bulldogs and pugs.. similar to Parkinson's.. will have to take her to see if this is it, poor Lexi :-9

Thursday, May 30, 2013

764 - another 1/2 inch of rain

Day 764 I worked the am while Britt attended school and Sheldon his course. The day was rainy and we had 3/10ths when I left for work, once the rain ended and we were home it measured 1/2".

At lunch I ran errands getting sweet pea seeds and more wood for growth charts before heading to my latest health treatment. Today I had my first colonic hydrotherapy and found it was not at all as bad as I anticipated. Jamie, the therapist is amazing and so kind and professional. The first visit is explained very well and in great detail before anything even takes place. I then ran back to work to discuss with a co-worker who has been having them as well.

I also picked up our free range eggs there before dropping Amanda hers and getting in a quick snuggle and visit before heading home.
then the flash went off :-)
Sheldon and Britt were already home at 4 when I arrived. Matt stopped by for a beer and to pay Sheldon for his quad he sold. No more Polaris camo for Sheldon. Britt fed the horses quick before she headed to town for her job interview at Lammles for 6. It was an hour long interview with many hard questions and math problems too! Good luck Britt!!

Supper was all time favorite tacos!! No Shaina as she is still in the city now at The Great Gatsby movie with Rachel then wing night then home late.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

763 - more rain then sun

Day 763 was another rainy day to start. It came down in buckets. Britt did not wake up until I asked her at 8:10 if she was going! panic but she made it :-) Rachel headed out for work just after 8:30.

I spent the morning and afternoon doing GST and home accounting and finding my desk!! It is a pain but very satisfying when done. The rain let up at noon, I checked and we had 1 1/10" more overnight and today!
Shaina went to work at 2 but found they did not need her since so wet. She ran errands and returned at 4 with Asher. Britt was just home from school too so after playing with the kitties it was time to ride horses and learn how to jump in puddles!

time to ride Julio
off he goes

 sunshine just makes me happy
 now he tries Scooter
 Britt is determined to get him to love jumping in puddles
 so he tries a few
 then plays king of the castle

 and he joins a rock band.. not only as one handed drummer but lead vocals as well!!
We had a kid friendly supper of kraft dinner and hotdogs with asparagus for veggie, yum! Shaina even helped make it :-)
4+ inches sure has it greening up

Sheldon went to town for drinks after his classes today and was home about 7:30 to clean up the remaining KD and hotdogs. He washed up the barbeque I bought him last year for fathers day to sell online and checked the travel trailer as he is showing it tomorrow night. Shaina took Asher home around 8:30 after a fun filled afternoon/evening with us girls. She continued on to Calgary to stay the night with Kaylin.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

762 - more rain

Day 762 - repeat of Sheldon off to course, me to work and Britt to school. I grabbed mail and teas for work on the way in and after my morning of work, ran errands at lunch.

I dropped horse blankets and pads off to be washed and repaired, library return and pickup, Britt's 2nd retainer which did not fit  as well :-(, bought bedding plants and did UFA return. Whew all in just over an hour.

Back at the ranch I had lunch while Shaina searched for a summer vacation. The roofers were here at 730 but it was just the husband and wife so they did a bit and the shed before packing up by 2. Shaina left for town just after and the rain followed them both. It did not last long but it came back off and on and socked in around 10.
I planted up my front pots in betweens rains, I love flowers!!

Britt made a new larger kitty bed for the now more mobile kittens. She did feed the horses for me between showers too. Shaina returned with groceries so it was then time to unpack and start supper. Sheldon went out with guys from the course after for beer and wings getting home just after 6:30 in time to join us for supper.
the rainbows were so pretty between rains , Shaina snuggles her buddies
 the rainbows even came in twos and below the sun shone while it rained too
Rachel was out for a sleepover and vacation planning. Britt worked on art homework. (sketch of Beiber!!) I spent the evening working on my dreaded GST while Sheldon watched hockey.

Monday, May 27, 2013

761 - shingles go on the roof

Day 761 started early with Sheldon off to training just down the road for the  week. Close by so gets to leave much later than normal. The roofers arrived soon after he left at 7:30 and got started. Britt headed off to school and I went to the garage and painted another coat of round table, distressed it, repainted the distressed areas and touched up the coffee table.
 I spend so much time making sure paint is well covered and the distressing stresses me out :-)
so I repainted it solid, will antique only
I then stained the tops before stopping for lunch at 1. Shaina and I then went out for a ride in the sunshine but clouds blew in just as we were hosing them off. She showered and was off to work for 4 working till close and its mens night. Britt rode when home from school too. Sheldon rolled home at 4:30 and kicked back while I made up goulash for supper.
 conditioner one
 then stain then wiped below

 again conditioner
stain and wiped, not sure what color the base will be.. keep fresh white? cream or a color
The roofers finished up for the day at almost 7:30!! long day for them but think the west side is all done. After supper Sheldon put the horse trailer in the shop to set up our mini tack up area as well as both quads and the lawnmower.
here is a snap of the shop and house in same photo, I love the color combo
the days end shingle progress, you can see on the house it is about 2/3 finished, garage all done rest to go