Sunday, September 1, 2019

September 1 already

There was another 3 and a 1/2 tenths of rain overnight!! YAHOO!! I awoke to pea soup fog which hung around for awhile making B and I rethink the time of our riding lessons which are at 11. A cappuccino while quick marketing and for B; waking up. However by 10 it was lifting, we caught Switch and Brid, loaded them up and were on our way.

Lessons were even held outdoors but we had dressed warm so it was all good and no dust. We worked on working equitation obstacles.

Once back at the ranch we found the gate that was malfunctioning when we left was wide open and beeping. Seems the repair did not work ;( We let the horses out and came in for lunch and another cappuccino as it was now after 1. I then went out to rearrange Shaina's jeep and load the tables and jumbo window for them to take to Medicine Hat. While out there I cleaned out the horse trailer while Britt gave Bird her food. The sun even popped out for a bit.

B drove Shaina's jeep to town at 3 to meet them and leave Kaylin's vehicle at Amanda's overnight. Time to move around my dining room to stage the new table. Then get it marketed and computer work caught up. I also wrote a tutorial for the jumbo GATHER tray and got it posted on a few places.

I put out feelers to find someone wanting to sign up for Square credit card system and in short order found a fellow maker. This gives us both $1000 in free processing fees for the next 6 months, perfect for my upcoming 3 markets.

Around 4 the sun came out and made for a nice day. I picked a bag of apples seeing the darn magpies are eating most of them. GRRRR Back to marketing and organizing while watching a new series called Styling Hollywood on my awesome iPad.

Grama P sent this snap of the card night in Medicine Hat

I tried to start a new season of 13 Reasons Why last night, but only got thru a bit but tonight I watched 3 episodes with my buddy Cooper. We watched a crazy lightening storm happen Calgary way for over an hour with just the wind hitting us as it moved on.

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