Thursday, September 12, 2024

Renn Day!! Almost 3 “ of rain

Harley was eager to go outside at 5 am; the ground was damp, yet it wasn't raining at that moment. Shortly after, the rain began, and by the time we awoke, it was still pouring, with nearly an inch accumulated. Large puddles had formed all over the ground. Dave braved the rain and managed to feed all the horses before 8:30 am. Thank you, Dave!

How Renn starts her day .. with a yogurt facial :)

As I finished packing the purged items, tea was being prepared as there is no coffee. S bagged the last of the frozen raspberries. After feeding Harley, we departed for the city at 10 am amidst the rain. We dropped off a large box of purged items at a home in Langdon, then picked up a part for the solar panels in the city. Our next stop was Costco, but having forgotten the list in the car, we only purchased a few items which totaled more than anticipated. At Cartwright, we hoped to find a new light for the main room but were taken aback by the prices and selection and was back to the car in short order.

This put us ahead of schedule, but fortunately, we were able to arrive early for Renn's day. It's been a month since the last Nana Renn day, and in October, she'll start full-time daycare. It will be bittersweet for everyone. We got there past noon; Kaylin was already at work, and Nathan was getting a haircut while Renn slept soundly through the rain. S and I began watching season 8 of Selling Sunset as we ate our sushi from Costco for lunch. The little miss didn't wake up until after 2, having enjoyed a solid two-hour nap. She was eager to play and have a snack - her meals consisted of pasta and sauce, with quite a bit ending up on her face and in her hair. 

chatty patty

Kaylin made apple sauce popsicles to help with teething

Kaylin arrived home before 4:30 to spend some time visiting before she and Nathan got ready to go out for their second engagement anniversary dinner at Lulu Bar, with a reservation for 6 pm. Throughout the afternoon, two ladies came to purchase additional paint products. S and I enjoyed chicken tacos from Costco as a pre-packaged meal for supper. After supper, he returned Shaina's Jeep to the ranch. I bathed Renn, allowing for some playtime in the tub. When Kaylin and Nathan got back, Nathan took over to dry her off, apply lotion, and read her a story while I left for home at 8. Nathan will be traveling to Kelowna in the morning to visit his parents for the weekend, so he'll be missing his little girl for a few days.

The rain continued heavily on the way home, with S texting that 1.75 inches had already fallen, and it didn't stop until around 10, totalling 2.35 inches in the last few days. UPDATE - the new auto rain gauge seems to be in error as the old school ones read almost 3" as did Matt's so we need to sort that out with shims to level or return it.

I brought home Kaylin's fiddle leaf fig, having topped it to encourage branching. After unloading it and the Costco purchases, it was time to hit the hay. S was already relaxing, having turned on the furnace for the first time this fall. We watched a few more episodes of Luxe Listings Toronto before turning in for the night.

Lexi enjoying Matt's backyard Wednesday. I like her little high line leash system.

And today being blind had a bit of a shocker, thank goodness for the pool cover and the watchful eyes of Shaina <3

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