Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Hump day

The day began as usual, but after almost a week without,  today I enjoyed coffee since we finally had creamer again, as did the prince. I quickly completed my morning marketing, then released the horses; this time, Roo didn't run and allowed her mask to be put on. In the garage, I began sanding the cabinet top, glued the custom end table, and started sanding the desk top.

finally got my dresser mirror hack done

I grabbed this jumbo cucumber I saw I missed and found this potato on the ground, with 2 teeth marks - coyote I assume was getting his own food.

After lunch, S and I went to the garage to wait for  McBain's. They missed our driveway and had to circle back but managed to arrive before 1:00. We chatted, loaded the pieces, and Kevin secured them. Joanne got to meet the racing babies, and about an hour later, they departed for Oyen.

fellows securing the dressers for transport while Joanne meets the race horses

Brit and Cooper arrived during their visit, she managed to catch Beibs and trim his hooves. Meanwhile after they left, I caught Switch and tended to her hooves while B rode Roo. S began excavating the old bottle tree hole, brought me a refreshing drink, and kept me company as I completed the trimming.

After finishing my tasks, I picked carrots, tended to the garden, and S continued working on the tree project by digging more into the hole and moving the tree to the area. B fed and checked on the horses, then she and Coop left for home at 4:30 as we concluded the day's work. 

For dinner, I prepared chicken and zucchini, along with a pot of beets, fresh carrots, and tomatoes. S also enjoyed the last of his sautéed beet leaves before heading to town for a rodeo meeting after 6. Meanwhile, I busied myself writing about the custom-painted bedroom set from June and uploading a batch of videos. As they uploaded, I watched an episode of McLeod's Daughters. Having 2 computers I was able to work on the teal dresser tutorial on the other one at the same time. I finished up when S got home before 10:30 from his meeting and after meeting drinks. We started the movie Mothers Instinct but quit after about half an hour. We then started a series called Mega Yachts.

this was from yesterday

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