Friday, September 20, 2024

Rain day

The morning started with a chill in the air, a cool 7°C, the kind that makes you want to stay under the covers just a little longer. Dave was out to feed, and Cooper stayed behind since it was race day. Not long after Dave left, the rain began as we sipped coffee in bed. It felt like the perfect day to stay indoors and focus on finishing the bedroom set tutorial and tackling other projects that had been on the back burner with our recent busy life. 

This weather has convinced us to cancel our plans to go to Sundre for a horse poker rally this weekend. With temperatures expected to drop to 0°C in the evenings and the added chill from the rain, it would be quite uncomfortable in an aluminum horse trailer with only sleeping bags for warmth and no washroom facilities. Additionally, S wanted to go to hockey today, and leaving in the morning would have made it rushed to get there on time.

S was engrossed in his phone and laptop, occasionally chatting with friends, but he did take a break to don his bright yellow rain jacket. The sight of him braving the elements to open the far paddock gate was a splash of color against the gray backdrop, allowing the horses to move to the winter pasture.

photo credit Shaina

After a lunch of leftovers, S headed off to hockey before 1. and I returned to working on my projects. I took a break from the tutorials, snapping a few photos in the garage of the custom pieces before shots then sanding the custom end table top.

When the rain eased up, I ventured outside to pick some nearly ripe tomatoes, there is a threat of frost tonight in many areas. Back inside, I continued working on the tutorial, my iPad playing in the background. I noticed the dogs were hungry early, so I fed them and scrubbed their dishes all clean. The rain continued its intermittent dance throughout the day, accumulating 4.5/10ths of an inch by evening. It was a day of small accomplishments and simple pleasures, made all the more special by the cozy, rainy backdrop.

What is happening?, research says changes in water and temperatures like the big recent rains and spikes in temps, dang!

S returned at 5 from hockey and a coffee visit with some friends, just as the sun began to peek through. I was busy prepping ingredients for tacos and cooking the burger. Our tasty favorite was quickly devoured. The dogs were getting antsy, so I convinced S to join me for a short walk to let the dogs burn off some energy. Cooper had the zoomies and happy to race around. 

Back at the house, S went inside to warm up and watch football while I covered the tomatoes, just in case the temperature dropped here too. Then, I picked four zucchinis. I found more potatoes that the coyotes had dug up—those sneaky buggers! B and D were out feeding just as the sky started to darken around 7:45. The evening air was crisp, hinting at the approaching chill of night. Dave was in for a visit while B waited for Bird to finish eating and then they were off.

I continued working on the blog posts skipping another hot tub soak as brrr cold out. The little crate sold and the little antique table has a lady saying she will pick up Monday. Fingers crossed. Once the football game ended,  S hit the sheets and his phone while I watched McLeod's Daughters on my iPad. I am closing in on the series finale!

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