Saturday, September 7, 2024

Market day

Today is my only market of the year, and naturally, I woke up early, filled with anticipation. We both enjoyed our coffees while preparing for the day since S was scheduled to meet Matt at 9. We both left the yard at 9. I drove the car to town, and he would bring the truck and trailer later. I swung through Tim's to pick up an iced coffee and my favorite pumpkin spice muffin, which became my lunch for the day, accompanied by a mandarin orange.

Always a good morning seeing this sweet face

The area was already bustling with people on this gorgeous day. It seemed that the splendid weather had drawn many away, as the crowds were more subdued than usual. Sales crawled at a snail's pace, with only a $5 pottery jug sold until a slight uptick in activity post-lunch. Ultimately, my sales didn't even offset the $205 booth fee. Packing like I was going camping, I brought too much, all of which had to be lugged back home at the day's end at 4 pm. However, I did enjoy catching up with neighbors, friends, and fellow vendors.

these items sold

Being in the barn was much more pleasant than being out in the 31-degree sunshine, but I'm not complaining about the weather since snow will be here soon. S completed his partition wall in the coop and went home for lunch. While sitting on the deck, he heard Tony, who was not picked up this morning as planned and was still in the cat kennel from last night! It seems they forgot about him. S drove him home in the ranger, then returned to Matt's to pick up a few final items. He also collected more wood needed for the project on his way to help with loading up at 4.

It took us an hour to disassemble the booth and load it into the trailer. He drove the car home to retrieve some items he forgot for the chicken coop, and I headed home. After feeding Harley, I grabbed a cold drink and updated my Facebook page. S picked up tacos for dinner from a food truck at Rona, which were delicious, and saved us the trouble of cooking.

He watched football in his big brown chair, dressed minimally for the heat, while I dealt with marketing and computer photo issues. Britt had gone out earlier to celebrate Cooper's 7th birthday and was now back, ready to ride. She invited me, but I declined. However, S and I did walk Harley to the gate where the ranger was parked, so S could bring him back. B passed by riding with Bird as I returned to the house to water my planters and raised beds.

After B left for home, we headed to the hot tub. The sky was incredibly clear tonight, revealing countless stars and a remarkable procession of satellites trailing one after another. We then settled into bed with a bowl of yogurt to write today's blog and surf the net.

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