Friday, September 6, 2024

Market set up & Lexi flies to Ottawa

It was a brisk 12 degrees outside when I woke up after 6, thinking of all the things I still had to price and pack, with some prices needing adjustments and others I could handle quickly. I attempted to read my book, but eventually, I just started making coffee and began my day by serving a mug of java to the prince in bed. After we got up, S treated the hot tub with shock and changed the filters while Dave went to feed. Cooper stayed with us for the day.

S headed to town to pick up wood for the coop, with Dave following closely at 9. Meanwhile, I completed my marketing and blog tasks before returning to the market-related work. The table received a magnolia transfer and then a coat of dark wax. While it dried, I started moving all my items to the cargo trailer that S had left out front after his return from town at 10. Subsequently, he proceeded with the chicken coop project.

Shaina trying to find Lexi a travel carrier for her trip east later today

The table received several coats of clear finish in between hauling loads to the cargo trailer. Meanwhile, other items were sourced, priced, and tagged. It might resemble the last day of camping when you tend to overpack. We'll see how it goes. :)

Renn reading is the best

S returned at 12:30 while I was setting up the soaker in the large garden. We enjoyed sandwiches and a cold beer as the temperature reached 26 degrees. After applying a third coat of clear finish to the table, I organized the apples in the fridge into boxes. With rides arranged for some to Mom (Craig) and to Ma K (Sharon), I faced the now 28-degree heat to pick the remaining apples from the trees. S went back to the chicken coop in the ranger. I sorted the apples as I picked them: some for eating, some for cooking/baking, and some for the horses. They were all placed into boxes, crispers, or, for the Paetz's, a large bread bag. During the hour and a half of this task, the temperature soared to 30 degrees under a cloudless sky. The next chore was to dig potatoes for the Paetz's, by which time it was a stifling 31 degrees outside. The table was staged quickly and loaded up.

S returned by 4 to shower before we headed to town. He had me drive as nervous about the cargo in the trailer. I left the plants I was giving away at the gate and then we proceeded to the market. Over the next hour and a half, I set up my booth. The heat definitely slowed things down, but thankfully, Sheldon was there to help with all the furniture since we forgot the dolly, bringing in each box and item one by one. THANK YOU! After setting up 98% of the booth, we made our way to Paetz's.

take a video tour of my booth

During the Paetz visit, a cold beer was savored after delivering two boxes of apples that Craig will bring to Mom tomorrow, as well as two smaller boxes of potatoes and a bag of apples for them to enjoy. We also stopped for a Vietnamese dinner just half an hour before closing at 8. My persistent headache throughout the day led me to take my meal home in a container, while he quickly finished his large bowl of pho.

I need to hire this girl!!

Shaina was returning to Ottawa today after her 10 day stay and brought Lexi with her. Lexi did wonderfully on her first flight. Although the lady liked her, Shaina chose to find a seat where the middle one was empty, providing them with more space. Well done, girls; the seasoned traveler now has a copilot for her journeys.

Shaina packed kibble, blanky, a fan and such for the trip

Back at the ranch, Britt and Dave were busy with their feeding routines and horse care, and soon after, they departed. I fed Harley while S topped off the truck with fuel and inflated the trailer tires. Afterwards, I did my nails, then we indulged in a soak in the hot tub, followed by a shower, and finally hit the sheets to read and unwind after a long, bustling day. However, this tranquility was brief due to a commotion caused by the cat, so I had to catch Tony and confine him for the night under the tree in the island.

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