Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Ladders done... maybe

7 awake but tossed for half an hour before I perused Instagram then worked on marketing on the computer. Just before 9 I started the coffee, Candace joined me for our coffee toast and more world solutions. A tuna sandwich and tea were our lunch, Candace headed for home before 2.

The news says snow is coming Friday and a few days on freezing evening temperatures. I moved all the planters close to the garage doors to bring in later in the week and picked a few squashes.

Back to the ladders I made another shade of blue milk paint up, it is so close to the others it really blends. The new cut braces were sanded and nailed in place. When the paint was dry I hauled them both outside and power sanded them.

Good timing as a crazy wind blew in followed by some rain. Great break time for a beverage. Last night Yolanda messaged about the pink and white dresser and wanted a nightstand to match. I had sent her some choices this am and forgot one so sent it now. She liked it best especially after I found matching hardware. Seems I have a new piece to get painted now both are paid for in full.

I cooked zucchini and chicken for supper. Now that it was gorgeous out I jumped in the ranger and headed out to give Pep his pill and change KD's bandage. Both ladders were clear coated. Time for a smoothie with HTGAWM on my iPad finishing up the season while catching up the blog and writing up a newsletter.

Roo the pest knowing on my roll of vet tape

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