Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Home inspection

7:30 wake up as rain starts to drizzle down, perfect for a coffee in bed. The rain is only sporadic drops off an on over the morning. Shaina drug herself out of bed for 10 am training only to have Sharon text to cancel with a sick horse, back to bed for her. She was back up and out the door just in time for her 11 am training.

S caught up on newspapers and online news for the morning with a few more coffees before his 11 am nap (it is Tuesday LOL). I worked on marketing and getting a bit of paperwork and allot of accounting done. Once Shaina was back I cooked us up some yummy French toast for a late lunch.

She worked on training plans then cleaned her saddle after S and I headed to town after 3 to meet Hayley at B's new house for the inspection. B and Dave arrived soon after. S inspected while we measured and sorted details of the upcoming move. B & D had picked up a sweet washer dryer set in the city. They took Cooper and the load back to the ranch. S and I went to pick up a table and 2 chairs Shaina had found me before arriving at Amanda's.

AJ made us all a delicious chili supper then she and Ada were off to Sparks. Craig is in Oyen farming. B&D had returned in the merc and after eating were off to Home Hardware to grab paint samples then dropped a dish of chili off to Shaina at the gym on their way home with Sheldon to unload the washer and dryer. Amanda and Ada were back after 7 and I headed home soon after to unload the table and chairs too.

notice the napper in the background ;)

We all enjoyed a cold drink or two and then B&D and Cooper were off to Airdrie around 9. I caught up on more marketing while S relaxed with the remaining newspapers and Internet perusing then off to sleep. I ended my evening watching an episode or two of Unbelievable.

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