Saturday, September 7, 2019

Market day 2

I was awake at 5 am but managed to get back to sleep till 7 and was wide awake. The city sure is allot louder then the ranch. I got gussied up for the big day, gathered by goodies, left a note for K who doesn't work till 10 said goodbye to Lexi and was on my way. HOLY FOG!

I made a stop at Starbucks for my annual pumpkin spice latte and was off. The fog was thick for most of the way to Cochrane then just let up like that but then was back in the lower level of town. I was at my booth before 8:30 and did a quick rearrange, a few price changes then stopped to visit a few fellow vendors before doors opened at 9.

Sheldon sent these pics back at the ranch

watch the video below for the live view before doors opened

The day had loads of folks pass thru. School friend Kim D stopped along with Krystalle and a few other folks I knew. Time passed really quickly with out any food or potty breaks. Sharon arrived around 2:30 to check out the market, give me a break to tour quick then help me load the heavy items out when doors closed at 4. Thank you! I continued to box up and haul all my remaining treasures out and load and was all finished by 5 pm.

isn't this a great idea for an idle canner that might be sitting in one's storage room?

On the road and back to the ranch before 6:30. I met Kaylin at the yard gate with her coming out after dropping Lexi off and on her way to her 10 year school reunion. Have fun!!

Back home I unloaded my overnight bag and snacks having the pleasure of not unloading all the unsold items!! I came in, grabbed a cold beer and got busy updating my Facebook page, my spreadsheet, and writing new posts for Etsy items that sold. Then I had to remove or update all my online sale pages. S was hunkered down in the TV room watching Stamps vs Eskimos, Kaylin did not even know he was home!

 Of course why not check out Snapchats new filters, this is me as a little girl they say?? but the next photo shows the true age LOL

I ate my left over prime rib S had brought home for me yesterday, that was yummy and handy. He did not eat till after the game barbecuing his favorite hot dogs. Now the game was over he scooted to close the pasture gate as I was in my pj's but it seemed he forgot 2 who were soon eating grass outside the office window. I scampered out and opened the paddock gate where Bird and Switch trotted right in, good girls.

happy dogcake day Cooper!!

After getting cross eyed from all the updates, numbers and sale post updates I crawled into bed with Lexi again and started a new Netflix series called The Sinner, recommended by B. It is a different one for sure. S came to bed and was asleep in no time having been outside allot of the day he said. He installed his new gun rack in the ranger.

Kaylin made it safely home via cab just after 2 am. Here are some photos I borrowed from Amanda's Instagram account of the night. (thanks Amanda ;)

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