Friday, July 8, 2016

trim and a soak

Sheldon took today off work but decided to wake at 5:30 still which woke me, eventually he went to another room and I fell asleep till 630 then finally got up at 730. Fresh coffee was ground and poured then enjoyed while I chatted with my bare foot trimmer guru. I rousted Shaina just before 8:30 as she works at 9 and soon she joined me for coffee and the fresh creamer I made and to cook her usual eggs for breakfast then she was off by 9.

Britt once up was put to work on finishing a scholarship application. of course it required me to help direct, find details and phone numbers and such but it could be well worth the time if she gets it in by next week. She then packed up lunch and was off to town by 11:30 for a chiro appointment before her noon salon shift.

Sheldon stumbled out of the spare room having found his sleep again and got into the coffee. I headed out to catch Baby and do more hoof trimming, this time taking off almost an inch off her toes. They look so much better, now to see how much better they work. Sheldon stopped by to check out progress before spraying weeds and throwing the hose on a few trees. He was was then off to town with Britt's car to get new tires put on.
 right foot before and after

 left front before and after

 much better
My next order of business was to try and soak Switch's foot for a possible abscess but when I turned to squish a bug the bucket was tipped.. dam! My hoof guru suggested giving bute to confirm if abscess; pain will not be relieved with bute if it is and sure enough she was still lame an hour later ;(

 I put up 3 down rails in the 26 sunshine, moved the water around on trees and sprinklers on seeded and existing grass and deadheaded flowers then came back in to hand paint the family sign that was ordered.

Diapers are a great soaking boot but it seems the Paetz family is in Oyen, no diapers to share, what is a girl to do; take a star wars plastic goody bag, a rag soaked in apple cider vinegar and some hockey tape (duct no where to be found) and McGyver up one ;)

 Switch is so easy going she was not least bit bothered

Shaina was home from work at 4, we waited for Cassidy to arrive then caught horses. Sheldon pulled in as we were doing so so I caught Pepper for him too and we all ventured out on a trek in the sun. It was a warm one whew so once done a cold round of beers were in order while KD sort of ate her new herbs.

After the girls were off, it was barbecue time, I had marinated pork tenderloin earlier in the day and it was scrumptious. Britt finishing up her shift at 7 and needing to close called to say the salon keys were on her car key ring so Sheldon took the fireball to town to drop them to her and wash it. On his way home he stopped at Matt's to take in some of the Premium Ag party going on. I stayed home continuing to water trees, remove Switch's ACV soak, add clear coat to the cream frame, paint first coat of chalk paint on the glass and finally wax the family sign a few times and add the hanger, it is good to go!

Britt headed back to town for a party and to stay overnight. I was moving the hose as Sheldon pulled in before 10.

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