Saturday, July 16, 2016

table sold

Today we were to be up early and hauling horses to the 2nd tournament but the rain changed those plans. Our club has decided to back out even if they do play tomorrow so we could sleep in till 9 today when D wanted out. I had a customer plan to come look at the table at 11 so after a quick tiday of the main room I was ready. They arrived and after trying it with my dining chairs and looking at a few of my other pieces they loaded it up and were on their way. very exciting to have another big piece gone.

Sheldon headed to town to trouble shoot the rental house excessive water issue, I tidied up the work place and got another piece ready to paint after my sale inspiration.
the big sister dresser to the white one I finished

He was back home swapping out trucks and headed back to town to enter the local show and shine taking a lunch with him. I headed out to feed the girls their herbs and soon the sun was out. This lead to dog poop pick up (4" rain made for a sticky job), pull weeds (thanks Switch for eating all the dandelions) and dead head and pull a ton of spent flowers in the beds. Two hours later I had an entire wheelbarrow full. I took off the girls fly sheets so they could get in some good rolls.

Sheldon was home around 5 with Chinese food for supper, bringing my lost paint package and with news that he won another door prize. This was at the show and shine and was for a car battery and a blizzard coupon, right up his alley. His feeling lucky found him stopping to buy a lottery ticket too.

Seeing it was still nice out and I had the grass prepped to mow, Prince weed whipped the fruit trees and mowed around the house while I hoofed the wheelbarrow to the pit taking the dogs along for a walk. Diego was very pleased he had water puddles to trudge thru ;) Then time to keep deadheading and picking. The yard is looking so green and lush it is awesome, thanks you Lord for the rain, now hoping the hay grows as well when the sun comes out next week.

We caught all the rodeo chuck highlights before calling it a day finishing up just as Britt returned from her lake vacation before 10:30.

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