Friday, July 29, 2016

action packed day

Friday, first day of vacation for Sheldon started with coffee on the deck. He went to push stuff around in the pit while I put black wax on a couple drawers, not sure if I am loving it so stopped there and will see when dry.

Sheldon, Britt and I loaded up and were off to town, I had a lab appointment just before noon which was quick and easy. We grabbed Opa and headed to the grounds. Seeing it was Friday and we were early we got seats right at the top of the bleachers and luckily brought an umbrella cause it was smoking hot. Car said 29 but house said 26.

After the rodeo, Josh, Jayden and Shane helped us move the panels all ready for tomorrow. THANKS fellows, that was awesome help. On our way out we heard Prism rehearsing for tonight's concert, they sounded good.

Home by 4:30, time for cold beverage before Shaina arrived after 5. She and I headed out for a ride on KD, Baby and Daisy. Going thru the hay field we rustled up a ton of mozzies so retreated to barn for spray and went out again. I was just finishing hosing Daisy when my first customers rolled in to pick up their 2 new dressers and chair and drop off a coffee table to custom paint. Sheldon helped get loaded up then brought Shaina and I a cold beer as we trimmed KD up.
 bit out of focus as hard to lope and snap pics at same time

Mid trimming, the 2nd set of customers arrived to buy the freshly painted blue green dresser.

As we were finishing up, Kaylin and Brad rolled in. Sheldon and Kaylin headed to town for a supper date and Brad joined us. He is just home from a week long motorbike trip to the States. He and I visited about the trip while Shaina showered up and soon they were off to town to celebrate a birthday and visit friends just after 8.  Sheldon dropped Kaylin at Gail's and picked up Britt from the grounds after chuckwagons and got here about 9:30. Britt fed Bird as I was chillaxing with a headache on my bed. Sheldon was hoping to head back to the concert but I felt crappy so jumped into  the shower. As I did, my phone rang so he answered. Sharon was on the phone asking if Shiloh could stay in the stall tonight as had a wreck at the grounds. Dr Ty was stitching him up as she was calling.
 Lexi peeking out of the tub as Britt washed her hands and saw her spying on her
 Mr Jenkins checking out the wire we used to make window grate, silly kitty

Sheldon and I headed out and created a window grate, got it affixed, got fresh water and everything set for his arrival. Britt and Sheldon practiced a bit of catch while we waited, Krista and Brennan stopped to wait too. They pulled just before 11 and got him unloaded and into the stall. Brennan's took the grandparents home to Stouts while Krista stayed with Sharon to sort out drugs and instructions finally heading home before midnight. Britt headed to town for a birthday party now that her patient had settled in. My sleep was not to be sound with Kaylin, Shaina and Brad getting home before 1:30 then Britt around 2:30..I looked at clock at 3:30 last I remember, what an action packed day!

I forgot to add pics of Britt riding Baby, scroll back a day to check them out at the end

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