Thursday, July 7, 2016

Olds rental property tour

No more res for Britt, she wants to live in a real place with more room then a large closet. But first we had tasks in the morning. She and I rode (me on Hawk) then put fly sheets on 3 of the ladies, linamented and wrapped Switch's leg. I watered the grass seed and put another coat on the cream frame.
 so funny how they have to check each other out when in "clothing", like and you are?

We headed out at 1:30 stopping quick to do a couple returns and purchases at Home Sense on our way by to Olds.

After meeting the 2 other roomies and one mom we toured 4 properties. Two were easy to eliminate as old and smelly, the other 2 were newer but one stood out over the other. They did there pros/cons list at Tims and all agreed. Now to see if they all pass their application/credit check.

On the route home we detoured to Irvine's Tack, the largest indoor tack room in Canada. This place is staggering in inventory alone. An hour of looking around we found our herbs and were on the road again with the last stop at Costco. Starved and 8:30 we ate supper there two and left with 2 carts and stuffed tummies.

We arrived home just after 9:30 finding Sheldon stretched out on the couch. He spent some time this evening swapping two of Britt's winter tires off for old ones as all 4 are being changed to new tomorrow. He helped unload groceries and we filled out Britt's app and called it another successful day. Shaina rolled in around 12:30 to sleep over for work tomorrow, surprise, no wonder Big D was barking in the garage after I just put them in at midnight ;)

a couple pictures Sheldon took a few days back.. silly dogs on seeded area and his weed whacker look

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