Monday, July 11, 2016

lunch date

Rain came down as Sheldon left at 6 but soon turned to a drizzle then nothing ;( I checked at 8:30 and Switch's boot was on but after doing computer work and checking after 9 it was off, laying in the field. It seems my plastic bag boots worked much better ;) I chose to leave it off until B is up to help revamp the plan. I put first coat of rub on poly on the dresser top and coffee table.

I also tried walnut stain on my test board and yuck ;(

Just after 11 I was off to town for a lunch "date". My family calls me a hermit but I think it is due to lack of invitations so when Coreena asked me to meet her for lunch I jumped at it. And of course I had a couple more errands to do to make it worth my trip, farmer S had me return wrenches and then have new swather hoses made for him.

I was back at the ranch around 2. Britt was up and watching TV on another day off. She got dressed and joined me in the barn to catch and feed Bird then ride her. We got Switch to soak her foot clean then redressed it and put her in the stall while I caught KD and finished her trim. The day had a few rain episodes but nothing to really count but there were a few squalls roll thru while we were in the barn which was great.

Back at the house I put another coat of hand rubbed poly on the dresser top and coffee table before coming in. Sheldon was home soon after. Time to catch up over a cold beer before getting supper on. Britt ran to town for a spray tan. The dreary day continued to be windy with occasional drops of rain so we tried to start season two of Marco Polo but the internet was sporadic making it very painful so that ended. Britt did her laundry as afternoon/evening entertainment.

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