Thursday, July 28, 2016

another dresser staged and ready to roll... actually 2 and a chair too

Last day of work for Sheldon for a 10 day vacation stretch, pretty sure I heard him skipping off to his ride! I however was wide awake tat 6:30.. why?? But you have to love the long summer days, still light at 10 pm is nice.

I moved my car out to stage the dresser as it is going home today along with the smaller dresser and blue chair.

 see that beautiful bouquet.. it is Britt's, she brought home after work last night.. from Josh.. awe ;)

I hauled the tall sanded dresser around to car spot and scrubbed it up and while it dried I updated all my blog posts. One is for the white dresser above. Britt rode KD for Shaina and ponied poor still off Bird when only 24 and before heading to the city to meet Shaina. Did I tell you it hit 28 yesterday?? well it is that in my garage as I am painting as I am doing laundry and have the dryer going.. Diego doesn't mind.. what a dog.

I painted the dresser body at 1 as Britt was off to the city. Like yesterday I am moving water around the yard. I did however break one of my sprinklers, booo!

The drawer fronts got painted then I headed out in the 25 sunshine, caught baby and trimmed her feet. This led to push mowing around the garden shed and poop pick up for mowing. Then watering the flower beds which led to pulling spent flowers which led to dumping d's pool, cleaning and refilling. Britt rolled in at 4 while I was doing this and Sheldon about 15 minutes later. Time for a cold beer.

Britt eventually drug herself out to ride Baby for Shaina (in exchange for shampoo), I hauled the full wheelbarrow to the pit and Sheldon started mowing. It was a good thing he followed my suggestion of heat vs mosquitoes because by 6:30 the weather got dark and by 7:30 just after he was done the rain rolled in. It did change the furniture pickup plans but oh well,we need the rain.

After her ride, Britt ran to town for a spray tan while I threw pizza in Since it was raining, a hot bath sounded good then I changed for fresh sheets, what a great feeling. Sheldon checked before he jumped in the tub before 9 when it let up and there was 1.5/10ths but it did start up again as he drifted off into a deep slumber at 9.

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