Saturday, April 9, 2016

WIND .. warnings

SO the wind blew in at 1:20 am and stuck around all night and all day. It was horrible, dust blowing all around for miles. Sometimes it was hard to see town! Sheldon did head out in the wind and open the blown shut gate and tossed a bale to the ponies before retreating into the house.

I worked on painting the one chair choosing my new fusion laurentian green color. Britt arrived home after her big night out (even riding the mechanical bull, one scrape to prove it too) bringing home dog food for Coco.

A couple arrived to pick up the southwestern set just before noon. We got them loaded up and back on the windy road.

I painted the old dark chair 2 coats of my favorite tropical cocktail!

Britt and Sheldon went out to put up plywood after 1 for a couple hours. The sun peeked out even hitting a high of 16 but still breezy.
he even got the tool rack up after an hour beer break.. Britt napped

Another piece sold today as well and he picked it up just after 4. The beachy tropical dresser has been spoken for and plans to PU tomorrow :) Not a bad sale day at Creative Moments!

I put hickory stain on the chair seat then gave the green a hickory glaze to keep it aged like the vintage piece it is.
 just to green and non dimensional ... and wahllah

Rousted from her nap, B fed her horse and showered up. After a yummy creamed chicken supper by mwah she was off to town after 7 for another night out at the local watering hole. Sheldon hit the basement to watch Flames last game of the year and I updated the blog and put another 2 coats of stain on the chair seat, touched up the base and put outdoor poly on the blue chair before returning inside to finish the blog. PS the wind is still blowing ;(

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