Tuesday, April 26, 2016

tables 98% done

Tuesday was another overcast dreary day, no real rain as per say but cool. Britt is torn about going to Thailand with her sisters and was in my bed trying to sort at 8. I threw on some coffee and she got ready for work none the farther ahead in her pros and cons. She was all a go yesterday until she asked Sheldon and he said no, save your $$ so now she is hoping someone will decide for her ;) By 9:20 she was off to spend her work day with Ty. I was off to the garage to poly the tables. I also painted a gold frame I picked up last week. I quickly threw in seeds for an ornamental grass I had from before in the turnaround as well, fingers crossed they sprout.

At noon the sun came out now and then ;) I spent the early afternoon putting brown glaze on the tables, they look great. I quickly changed and was off to town to stop at the bank to do polox biz then dash to my hot stone massage ;) When I came out of my massage the sun was in full force so time to grab an ice cap and use my Xmas present from Sheldon, an automatic car wash.

I was back at the ranch just after 4, Sheldon was dropped off soon after. Not long and he was off to town for his massage. I headed back to the garage and fiddled with adding a bit more brown glaze then gave all the table another coat of poly. They are so close to done and I LOVE them! Time to feed miss Bird since Britt is busy being a vet tech today and took off her blanket she had put on her too. I was just finishing up as Sheldon arrived back home with burgers for our supper. Taking advantage of the sun although only a high of 9, we took the dogs on their walk.  I was hopping in the tub as Britt got home at 7:30. The evening was finished up with 3 in a bed hotspotting off Sheldon’s phone. Hopefully this will be the last night as computer repair is moved up to tomorrow afternoon.

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