Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Taco Tuesday

Hello, beautiful sunshine! You brighten up our day! Even though it’s -4 degrees Celsius and the grass is frosted over, there’s no wind. This made it possible to give Switch her medication after 8 pm. She stood patiently and took the yucky slurry.

Back inside, I fed H and the cats, then made us coffee. I delivered the prince’s coffee to his bed while he woke up. Today was a double cup day for us both. I took my second cup to the office and sipped it while I talked to RBC support for half an hour. To my surprise, I couldn’t transfer US cash within the RBC system to another US account. What a hassle!

Around 10:30 am, S headed out to give the horses a bale of hay since they’ve been scrounging for food in all the recently uncovered snow spots. I finished up my marketing and tutorial sharing. Next, I watered  plants, hoping to revive a couple of Shaina’s babies that I’m not doing real well with Unfortunately, the wind started to pick up at that point.

For lunch, we had a roast beef sandwich, well S had two sandwiches actually. After lunch, S went to the big brown to browse the internet and I to wrap Shelby’s twins shower gift while we listened to a podcast about phone use and the way it sucks us in. S fell asleep, so we never finished the podcast.

When he woke up, he thought about going outside, but the wind was biting and chilly, so he grabbed the vacuum instead. While he sucked up dirt, I emptied the garbage cans, shook out Harley’s blankets, and put felt pads on three of my large pottery plant pots that were scratching the wood floor, table, and stool.

I worked on Spanish lessons with the remaining time I had (no ads, unlimited mistakes) before it ran out. S returned to his laptop. Our coffee order was at the mailbox, so we loaded up Harley and headed to get it. On the way back, S changed the gate code. It had been 15 years, so it was time. The new code is sentimental as well, and if you need it, just message us. HINT: Renn’s birthday (and Shaina’s, of course), and our anniversary. So, if you know, you know it.

such a good girl XOXO

Back at home, Harley had her supper, and then we prepared ours—it was Taco Tuesday! The Flames were playing and winning, which entertained S as he worked on his bison business spreadsheet. I finished and published yesterday’s blog post and did today’s. B was out to do her usual horse thing. She was concerned that there were 2 big coyotes in the winter pasture, so she brought in the cats to stay the night in the garage.

They had other plans, with Stella darting out as B was leaving and Jenkins crying to be let out later. We went for a hot tub soak, and tonight I saw a shooting star. It has been a long time since that happened. A shower and some relaxing time in bed watching episodes of Loot followed with an ice cream bowl.

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