Up and out of bed at 8, I gave Switch her 28th and final medication dose. It was another double cup of coffee day, and I caught up with Mom for an hour while she chatted. S looked up water line repairs online, and I offered to help in person. However, we decided to wait and see how big the hole should be for the repair, according to a drywall expert. Unfortunately, no one answered their phone, so we put it on hold.
We ventured out into the 8-degree sunshine for a soak in the hot tub. This was not only to enjoy the beautiful day but also to allow me to have a shower and wash my hair, which is a task. The bright sunshine also showed all the dust in the house, so I dusted and did some laundry since we don’t have a maid.
I had photos and videos to upload for yesterday and successfully posted them. Shaina had planned a family gathering tonight, but unfortunately, Manda is unwell. I completely understand, so we decided to postpone it to tomorrow night. Shaina swapped her plans to go to the Hat for today and back tomorrow along with Matt and Lexi. Kaylin and Nathan changed plans to come with Nate continuing on to see his Grandpa in Drum till tomorrow too.
While we were having lunch, I noticed a coyote right outside the house shelter. Wait, there were three of them! Just like Britt had been saying. Branchy and bravely stood their ground until S took a few shots at them. One of them quickly headed north at top speed, while the other zigzagged west and then north in a different pattern. The dimmest one slowly made its way back to the shelter before deciding, perhaps, that this meant danger?
Time to get ready for the church pictures! S took H for a walk to the gate and back to get some exercise. On his way back to the house, he spotted what appeared to be a coyote lying in the hay field to the east. Inside, we both looked through the binoculars, and sure enough, it was. This time, he took a shot, but it was too far away, though it scared the coyote off. I went to check on J—sure enough, he was curled up in his favourite hay stack by the raised beds.
We loaded up and headed to town at 2:45 p.m. to get our pictures taken for the church directory at 3 p.m. It took all of 45 seconds, maybe because we’re great smiley models? S had a conservative forum to hear candidates’ platforms running to replace our representative. We decided to stop at the station right next door to the hotel where it was held. We had a couple of drinks, a rib appetizer, and supper. When we arrived at 5 p.m., the line to vote for the candidates was wrapped around like Disneyland’s line, so we decided to come back.
A quick stop to check in on Amanda, we found her in bed wearing her housecoat. We had a quick visit with Craig and the girls who were babysitting Lynda’s little girls then her when she arrived to pick them up. This time back at the political event, the stop to vote was much quicker, as S was in and out of the polling station. We drove through DQ to get a Blizzard and a sundae before heading home.
I had opened the winter pasture gate and closed the yard when we left, but the horses were still in the winter pasture, completely oblivious to our departure and the open gate. B came out shortly after, fed the horses, and headed back in without any delay. We watched the moved Back in Action - a fun spy movie.
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