Monday, March 3, 2025

Dreary cold day

What a dreary day it is outside! The fog started early, and snow began to fall after I gave Switch her medication. Despite the brisk wind, which made the -1 degree Celsius feel colder and the ground icy, Switch stood quietly while I administered her morning dose. It was a usual morning with a cup of coffee delivered to S in bed then catching up on housework for me and perusing news for S.

At noon, Sharon stopped by to pick up some horse medication that B had bought for her. S left for hockey after 1 p.m. It’s scheduled for later today at 2:15 p.m. I had some bonus points, so I spent about an hour doing Spanish lessons before moving on to tutorials. I then published the pottery barn dupe trunk and spent the next few hours sending it and photos to the paint company, posting it on websites for exposure, as well as many link-up parties. Next, I added more details to the tutorials that I have created. This process takes a lot of time, but it’s a significant part of my income hustle (AKA job) for the paint and product companies.

Apparently she is a smoothie thief :) and look at her hair growing so long

Amanda text saying that she had dropped Archer off for practice. As she waited, she noticed S playing on the ice. She also saw him “scrub a guy into the boards LOL.” I reminded her to watch out for Neil, the 83-year-old player. Amanda spotted him and said, “That would be S 23 years from now, maybe Archer will be here playing too", wouldn’t that be epic!!

B asked me to feed the horses since she had a work dinner tonight. As requested, I headed out into the chilly +1 air. The horses were heading out to get hay, but when they saw me, they raced back. They were eating as Dave and Cooper drove in. While Bird ate her slow meal, I returned to visit Dave and help Cooper finish his supper. Harley, of course, ate hers. I then gave Switch her medication early and gave them a bonus apple as well. Dave and I walked back out to get Bird’s bucket and let the horses out. Cooper did a few laps, and Dave loaded him up before heading off after 5:30. I now grabbed the poop scoop and did a couple of loops as the melting snow revealed many piles. Harley requested a good brushing, which I was working on when S returned before 6 from hockey, coffee and grabbing a few groceries. 

It appears I inadvertently forgot to put the roast in the Instant Pot before venturing out to do chores, so I’ve added it now and prepared the vegetables. We’ve switched from the news channel, which is always disheartening due to murders, Trump, and other negative news, to The Voice. Naturally, S was also engrossed in a hockey game on his laptop. The supper was delicious. While I worked on today’s post at the island, S cleaned up the pots. I moved to bed to read my library book that needs to be returned with S joining to work on his crossword with our evening yogurt bowl. We listened to a podcast about Bill Gates then Jelly Roll before drifting off to sleep.

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