Friday, January 24, 2025

Working on the projects & wind

It was another sleepless night for me. It appears that with young hockey players, the pace of the game is faster, and S pulled his shoulder again. He tossed and turned until after 1 a.m., then woke up at 3 a.m. He took a Tylenol, and I suggested using a bean bag, but he chose an ice pack instead. Harley went out shortly after he got back into bed. Naturally, I couldn’t sleep either, so I eventually put on a podcast. Soon after, S fell asleep, but I was still clock watching at 4:30 a.m. Then, I woke up with a headache before 8 a.m. 

My dear friend Lori’s mother was rushed to Medicine Hat by ambulance. Upon arrival, they discovered a significant blood clot in her lung. She is currently in the intensive care unit, but I spoke with her earlier this morning, and her condition has significantly improved due to the medication she is receiving. I am grateful for the positive turn of events. I got up at 8 am to make coffees after feeding the cats. I made a coffee to go for Shaina when she left for her hair appointment in the city at 8:30 am. She will then go snowboarding at Panorama later today.

Shaina sent this cute photo of little miss who she was excited to see after her hair appt

S was on his laptop in big brown once up perusing the net, blogs posts and bison updates with a second coffee. I too had a second one but iced this time as I finished yesterday's blog. The forecasted wind gusts arrived mid morning and blew for the rest of the day. I hand painted the one ruler name but with Sheldon's friend coming after lunch tidied it up and will do the other later. 

We had a bowl of soup followed by a quick kitchen tidy before his friend and son arrived around 12:30. They got visiting while I worked on the trunk tutorial wording and todays blog post. The 3 fellows headed out into the bluster at 2  to see heads in the shop before they headed home. I was painting the 2nd ruler when S was back in to big brown & his laptop.

I finished the trunk tutorial with all details, links, photos and videos having 3 ready to share over next month. I then went out to work on the coffee and antique fold down tables. The coffee table had danish oil in light walnut oil applied to the top. While it soaked in for 30 minutes I came in and did my Spanish lessons on my bed in the sunshine while S napped on the couch. I reapplied more oil and let sit 15 this time repeated 2 more times. Once awake S put fresh side pork in the oven and cut tomatoes for BST sandwiches with a packaged salad.

I did more oil floods and wipes to the coffee table top and will let it dry overnight and see if it needs more. The wind made a hot tub unappealing even though it was now finally warmer. I soaked in our tub while watching more Morning Show with S watching sports. B was out to do her feeding. S then had a soak, after he got out I scrubbed the tub and bathroom sinks before we relaxed in bed watching episodes of Shrinking.

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