Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Spectacular sunrise and sunset day

A beautiful sunrise greeted me at 8 AM, marking the start of a productive day. Har, never asked to go out all night. On the other hand, S was restless and kept getting up and down. To get us energized, I prepared two coffees for us to enjoy in bed. While S was packing to head to the Hat for a few days, I took advantage of the quiet moment to work on marketing my tutorials and items for sale. He was on the road at 10.

Shaina kept Renn home today to spend the day with. Here are some of her captured moments.

Calling Beans to save her and I love you

As well as these I missed from Kaylin from the last few days.

big girl sits at the table now to eat

ponytail girl

I also dedicated some time to troubleshooting an issue with my one-year-old computer. It was displaying an error message indicating that I was running out of memory. After some research and half hour with Apple support, I discovered that I had been undersold RAM. To rectify this, I spent some time cleaning up unnecessary files and removing my old phone backup, which was a whopping 1.5 GB!

seems she likes iced coffee now

A lady arrived after 12 p.m. to purchase a portable humidifier, just as I had finally published yesterday’s blog. As she was driving out and the gates were closing, the customer called from the customs trunk. She and her helper arrived to load and take home the humidifier, and she was delighted with it. Meanwhile, I returned to working on marketing on Etsy, updating items and adding a few new ones.

The humidifier buyer discovered that an essential part was missing from the box but it was found in Sheldon’s box. Consequently, she had to return it as I think I will set on my nightstand after she said she can't find any under $70. After a late lunch of a tuna sandwich after 2, I resumed troubleshooting my computer and cleaning up storage space. I spent another 45 minutes with Apple support to regain more storage space.

This upcoming cold spell prompted me to step outside and take Harley for a walk. The curling sheets leading to the gate are gradually clearing a few narrow spots along the edges, but it’s still quite risky. Back at the house, I cautiously walked on the ice to scoop up the poop that had been revealed. I checked on the horses and Switch, who appears to have a definite nasal issue on the right side. Naturally, this has B wishing the vet appointment had happened today, but she’ll perform a SAA test tonight. Harley was fed and sent out with a leg, as I’ve decided that this won’t happen once the cold weather arrives. Before coming inside, I washed the dog dishes. The lingering burnt cake smell had me leave a window open and turn on the oven fan on high, but it still persists. I suppose I’m fortunate to have a sensitive sense of smell.

We sure can relate to a sinus infection if this is what she has.

Stella followed us all around while outside like usual and happy Harley heading out

It was time to unwind in the afternoon sun on our bed while watching the Morning Show while my watch updated. As I prepared a spaghetti goulash, the sunset skies ignited. Alberta skies are simply breathtaking. And the best part? The days are getting lighter later, which is another bonus. I savoured a bowl of the delicious goulash in bed watching the show followed by a second bowl because it was so delectable.

supper out with the dancer

S sent a Papa update that expressed concern from the DR as to a possible gastrointestinal bleed. He requested additional imaging and another blood bag since his hemoglobin had dropped again. Unfortunately, the stomach gas had returned, indicating that these measures were necessary. I was updating this blog when B arrived to feed horses. She also wanted to perform a SAA test on Switch to monitor her infection levels, so I bundled up and went to catch her. Despite the -2 temperature, the night was relatively calm and doable. I took her to the barn, B drew her blood, and I inserted it into the machine. After 9 minutes, the test results showed 0, which was intriguing. What could this be? She will share with Dr Ashley.

B gathered her buckets and left after 8, texting to say there was a parcel at the gate. When I asked if she could grab it, she had already passed. I put on my boots again and walked to the gate without a flashlight. Surprisingly, it was easier to walk now, even in the dark, because there were more bare spots and seemed grippier. Harley, the chicken shit dog, slunk along behind me after repeatedly calling her name and only went as far as the winter gate. When I retrieved the parcel and headed back, I suggested we go home, she was off. However, she did wait closer to the yard gate, which was amusing. What a terrible guard dog!

The parcel was water based stain so good thing I hiked it there. Back inside I finished up the blog and changed for bed watching more Morning show before calling it a night.

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