It is astonishing how this cold and flu has affected us for weeks. The mucus production is excessive. S believes we need antibiotics, but the pharmacist suggests it most likely viral and will need to run its course. She even recommended against getting the flu shot, assuming we should have immunity after this. Hopefully, she is correct. The tablet medications seem less effective than the syrups but we will continue with them as that is what we have. Electrolytes have proven to be more helpful than anticipated.
I fed the pets and made coffee. S showered and had cereal with his coffee heading to church. I worked on catching up with the blog as I am still behind. While cleaning out the dishwasher, another glass broke into a hundred pieces, resulting in a cut on my finger. It is still brutally cold at -17 degrees outside.
S returned from church with a tea and donut. He feeling unwell again, he took a nap in the big brown chair while I showered. Once awake, we had chicken sandwiches. Now Harley needed a walk, we braved the brisk but sunny cold air at -13 degrees and walked her the pit. We emptied the compost bucket and quickly returned to the warm house.
B was out at 3 to feed the horses. I was deciding which new coffee maker to keep while S searched for a new hockey stick to buy with his Christmas money. We then waited for Dave to arrive so we could head into the city. He was out before 4 a.m., so we jumped into B’s car and drove off. Meanwhile in the city, Matt was cooking a delicious meat sauce and pasta for our supper. Thanks a lot!
The geniuses managed to escape the escape room in just 37 minutes! Afterward, B & D headed home from the escape room, while the others returned to the townhouse before 8:30 PM. They were just in time to catch the overtime period of the game. Once the game ended, S and I headed home, taking Shaina’s jeep back to our place. Harley was deep in sleep when we got home around 9:30. We crawled into bed and washed more Netflix to end the day.
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