Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Deliveries and pickups

I woke up just after 5 am, probably anticipating Har’s new routine. I had trouble falling back asleep, but she eventually went out around 6:30 pm before I finally fell asleep at 7:30 pm. It was finally a sunny -4 degree day when I woke up at 9 am with a fresh layer of snow. I fed the animals and let them all outside. I was in the shower when Harley’s food arrived, so I enjoyed my coffee while doing a couple of Spanish lessons. After that, I worked on my blog and did some accounting.

photo borrowed from Nate's blog, so cute!

Before lunch, S sent an update that Papa had physio come over to help him sit up on the edge of the bed. The lack of movement makes it extremely painful and slow-going, but it’s necessary. Grama Pat & S gave him a shave, and he even tried shaving himself for a bit. Well done, Papa!

His ortho flush sites had the bandages change later in the day. Britt says Moore's does this technique on horses too interestingly so she was very familiar with it.

Another bison buyer arrived before noon to collect his burger bag. Only two more bags are left from this round. Of course, then there are the usual household chores like laundry, dishwasher, plant watering, and vacuuming that need to be done. Then, it was back to hustling my wares, updating link-up parties, and listing them on sale sites.  I wrote a Hometalk post for the custom dresser as this site gives me a little passive income. Please click on it to give traction to said income if you would.

I had hard-boiled some eggs for a late lunch, but as I was about to make my sandwich, Highway 9 pulled up to deliver a paint parcel. To our dismay, there were large, icy gravel-filled snow piles on the south side of the road, making it impossible to turn around the island. I moved the poop wagon, and we discussed the options. Eventually, he decided to pull up to the shop and maneuver backward to turn around. The frozen puddles of ice didn’t help either, but he managed to turn the big rig and the 48-foot trailer around.

the parcels .... on a pallet, maybe overkill?

It's time to make my sandwich with an iced coffee on the side. I finished watching the season finale of Bad Sisters while chopping short and repainting my nails. Har and I went out to get a bit for a lady coming over later. Britt and Cooper were out late afternoon to feed on her day off feeling better. She helped me carry the extremely heavy trunk inside to stage, but suggested a bit darker hardware, so I added black wax to them.

I was cooking the first HF meal when S rolled in at 5:30. He unloaded and was in big brown soon with laptop. The gal arrived for the bit while I was cooking. This shrimp meal was disappointingly so so. I sent the trunk photos to the client who loved it, success after all that work. Pickup was arrange and payment made.

S watched hockey and I started a new show called The Morning Show. Shaina's flight has been delayed an hour so have time to spare. We did leave at 9:45 swinging thru town to get a hot tea for the ride. We arrived at 10:30 as she was landing, picked her up at ten to eleven and home by 11:30. Bedtime for all with me listening to a podcast as I drifted off.

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