Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Cough and cold continues on

It was another day in the sick house, with clogged throats, noses, and coughs. S believes he feels worse. The new cough syrup he purchased proved ineffective, and the pills no longer seem to be working. It’s astonishing how many people are sick, as if it’s become a new normal. And to think that all the years we’ve endured Covid have not brought about any significant changes. They’ve even stopped conducting testing altogether.

I prepared a Nespresso coffee for us while S chatted with someone at the Volkswagen dealership. It’s not encouraging, especially considering that B paid a good amount of money for a car that requires new rear brakes just a year after purchase and they knew there were faulty pads out there. I completed yesterday’s blog post and engaged in some marketing activities.

this dinner dance was from last night :0

Warm bowl of soup for lunch, and then I was back to dismantling the Christmas tree. S went to get the box and loaded it up to take back to the mez. Since it was now -2 degrees Celsius, S took Harley for a walk while I finished clearing my old phone and preparing to return. He then wrapped his new stick, and I started clear coating the ruler backs. S said that the walk had helped him clear his throat and feel better.

The tree was taken back to the mez, and an excited Harley got a deer leg. She chewed on it well into the dark, having a late supper. We finished the chicken with a salad for supper, and then S was watching hockey. After feeding Har, I flipped the rulers and clear-coated the tops and sides. The blog was caught up and it was time to go lay down. This cold is ridiculous. S joined me and we watched another based on true story this time about golf called The Long Game. Britt was out to feed mis movie and talk car briefly then home.

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