Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Chinook with snow

If it’s not Harley, it’s Jay. I woke up a bit after 4:30 AM. Fifteen minutes later, I heard Harley get up, shake, and think she wanted to go out. But she actually just moved to her bed, which was perfect. Twenty minutes later, I heard loping feet on the deck and Jay crying at the door. The wind was blowing wickedly with a bit of snowflakes, but it was only -4 degrees Celsius. He hurried to the garage happily, and I went back to bed, only to be short-lived by more loping feet. Sure enough, Stella was huddled at the door, so I  carried her willingly to the garage to join Jay and then back to bed.

Such great fine motor skills Renny has

The wind had died down a bit when I woke up after 8 am. I spent some time browsing Instagram in bed. It’s time to feed the animals and soak B’s horse feed. I finished and published yesterday’s blog while enjoying my morning coffee. Now, the chinook wind has picked up again. B has stayed home today, feeling unwell with a sore throat. I filled the rest of the morning with marketing and tutorial writing, watching my iPad while doing so.

Papa having a sandwich for lunch

After a bowl of soup, I headed out to spend a couple of hours working on the custom trunk. It was dark waxed, and the inside edges were cleaned up. I put the hardware back on, but they needed to be touched up to match the rest of the hardware.

I was working on accounting inside when B and Cooper arrived at 3 p.m. They had picked up my HelloFresh box at the gate. THANK YOU! The weather was much nicer than the last few days to feed the horses. It’s now 0 degrees Celsius. I gave the hardware another coat of glaze. B came in while Bird ate to catch up with Papa's update and trim Har’s nails. She had changed her mind about visiting Papa today. She had planned to FaceTime him, but S was out at the butcher’s, so she headed home after 4 p.m.

These 2 knuckleheads certainly enjoy playing with each other

Harley was fed (again eating like a champ) then I was back in to work on today's blog and do my Spanish lessons. B did get a FaceTime after supper with Papa before he was off to sleep. He is eating today and getting rest which is good to hear. Supper was a salad then it was and early retirement to relax in bed and watch more Bad Sisters. The wind picked up like crazy along with snow flurries. No evening Papa update as S and Mom K went home after he fell asleep after FaceTiming B at supper to eat, watch hockey, rest and relax.

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