Saturday, January 27, 2024

Irrigation walk

Coffee was in order today. I got it going after feeding H and cats. Stacie and I had ours with S joining not long after. Dale and the kids came up after for coffee and breakfast We had another nice visit before they headed off after 11. They took along the wine case Corey bought for Valentine’s Day, THANKS guys. Time to send cats out.

Leftover lunch for us and B when she arrived. Harley loaded up in the truck and we headed to town. Britt did too in her car to wash it and get groceries. We picked up some booze, groceries, cat food, a free wooden crate, dropped off library books, the trash then home. The temperature hit plus 6. The snow is getting soft and melting.

Beauty day in the city too. Kaylin takes Renn out for a walk video

Vanna showcasing the food to see if what Britt recommended

All was unloaded with H staying in truck waiting. B was along soon after. She unloaded then her and Cooper jumped in and we headed to the river. Today we did a reverse walk along the irrigation canal. 3 kms to be exact. The dogs enjoyed it as usual.

weir 3/4 frozen over

Back at the ranch the dogs were fed. I cooked up a batch of air fried chick peas for S. I added cayenne and pepper flakes. He liked this easy healthy snack. Pictured below is cannoli beans.

Then another Hello Fresh meal was next - roasted dill garlic salmon and orzo. B was in rest mode in big brown, S on the couch playing Flow. I worked on catching up the blog posts backing up again. B and Coop headed off at 7. S helped me with accounting reading off transactions to balance. We had our usual hot tub, shower, yogurt bowl with sports/reading in bed. 

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