Friday, January 12, 2024

-38 with wind chill feels like -49!!

Enjoying her meal as finger paint yesterday

Renn trying a cookie, her tongue cracks me up

just before 9 am

My watch said -38 feeling like -49 when I got up at 8:15!!!! What in heavens is this ridiculous cold? The poor horses. S slept till almost 10. I noticed the vents were blowing cold air. After finishing up a phone call S went to check and sure enough the intake air vent was totally covered in snow.

Renn and Kaylin facetimed us, too cute. Dave and Cooper arrived at 11:30 as we chatted. Of course the fellows started another crib tourney. I went out and fed the horses oats. It is biting on the bare skin. Leftovers for lunch and they were back to card games. I worked on the latest ruler tutorial. I should have had the dresser and sideboard progressed to workable stages for this cold but did not. No stripping or sanding with the animals in there.

The cold weather does make it easier to do another puzzle. This is what we did after Dave headed to calgary at 2:30 to play hockey. A horse puzzle of course. S was sure we would be done by supper. No such luck as it is harder than it looks.

Britt was home early from work at 6, Dave followed right behind her. We had had sausage, cheese and crackers around 5 thinking we would eat later. They had some too to hold them over. I got the stew going in the instant pot. This appliance is so worth having. We all enjoyed super tender stew after 7. B napped off and on with some cards with D. They headed off at 9 in the bitter cold. S and I finished the puzzle at 10 - 7 hours later.  I published another day in Palm Springs. Moving to bed S watched sports and I some Netflix. I started a new book - The Breakaway when he went to sleep.

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