Saturday, January 20, 2024

Battle of Alberta hockey game

A call back from the vet clinic was my alarm. J will get painkillers but no antibiotic without a visit. Kaylin text Renn slept over 11 hours last night!! Their commitment paid off in short order having just started Monday night. Renn slept from 6:43 pm - 6:10 am! Seeing they were up so early they met Gail for breakfast. I love how fluffy her hair is and her serious expression.

Laundry was started. I tested the MCM dresser by wiping with mineral spirits to see the color it will stain and wipe dust away.

We loaded up Harley and ran to town late morning. I have not left the ranch in weeks. Big outing for me today ;) Trash was tossed, Jenkin’s meds picked up and while there Harley was weighed. She is 54.1 kegs - under 120. The paint stripper was picked up next then I ran in and got cat food and taco shells. S kept H company in vehicle. Then we headed home. It was -12 out today.

It was time for me to finally get back to work in the garage. I got busy sanding the legs and 12 small wooden drawer handle pieces. B arrived, she checked on Timba taking off his frozen "boot" and blanket and checked his heart rate. All seemed good. We checked J's wound unwrapped, all looking like progress there too. S got to work on 2023 GST.

After much debate I decided to go with warm white body. I painted the legs, all 12 narrow wooden pieces then the dresser front edges. Once done I took the dogs for a walk. Once back, B headed back to Grady's. S and I played Russian rummy with a refreshment, bean dip and chips.

Bath girl above and sound asleep below. Nanny cam's help the observing from afar now days.

B was back along with Grady and Carter just before 6. After a quick visit they all jumped in our car and set off to the battle of Alberta. Britt won tickets to this big game thru her work and chose her Dad to go with her. He has been stoked about this night. I finished up the laundry and blog while watching Netflix. Time to relax in the tub with a yogurt bowl while watching Netflix. In bed I read my book till the troops arrived home from the Calgary defeat before midnight.

All Britt wanted was a pocket dog and cinnamon soft serve, oh and a Caesar! :)

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