Wednesday, January 10, 2024


Harley wanted out just after 3 am. I found one of the digital frames was still going. After a short time trouble shooting I unplugged it and we both went back to bed. It was -12 then but when I looked at 6. It was -14 and -20 when we awoke after 9. My watch says it feels like -29 with the wind chill BRRRR. I fed Har and the cats who were brought in last night then delivered coffee to the prince in bed. I posted yesterday’s blog post. Finally catching up other than the Palm spring vacation feels great. 

S made his porridge he loves then we did some garage cleaning. Cat litter changed, floors swept, more plant care and a sideboard moved. The cabinet was vacuumed and had hardware removed ready to relove. We stopped for lunch and the noon news.

B arrived after lunch. Sharon was here putting blanket on Timba. B and I went out and put blankets on the others. Sheldon cleaned bathrooms and vacuumed!! What a great surprise. B fed Bird while I scrubbed the sideboard up. It was dirty!! It was left to dry. 

B was inside on the couch perusing social media. S in big brown with his online surfing. Sharon brought another parcel from the gate and a puzzle. The 3rd frame was in the parcel. I got it set up and now to compare. First impression is it is best but of course it is $100 more then the first one.

Dave arrived after 4 with the races being shut down do to this extreme cold warning. He and B ran to town to return heated buckets and grab something for supper. S started a fire. They were back with supplies and made pasta with meat sauce, 2 salads and garlic bread. DELICIOUS!! What a treat it was, thank you!

The boys played crib .... for hours. Till 10 pm!! B and I started a puzzle Sharon dropped off taking a break to listen to a zoom seminar with a vets opinion of raw dog food. B was off with Cooper after 9. After Dave was off S helped me on the puzzle till after midnight. Then we crawled into bed and started a new Netflix series called You Are What You Eat - Twin Experiment. Two episodes and it was after 1:30, holy cow, late night. Temps are still dropping ;(


  1. I started reading December 3/23 at 11 a.m. and just finished to date. Some laughs, some tears, lots of memories made and memories resurrected. Great work in documenting not only the activities of the Kuhn house but those who interact with you. Very much appreciated.

    1. As much work as it is I too love the memories :)

  2. We all really appreciate your work to keep our life details on your Blog Lee Ann. It really is fun to read and a great way to go back and time to resurrect the past if required. Nice!
