Thursday, January 4, 2024

Fog and blog progress

The fog continued thru the night making for tons of hoar frost everywhere. The sun was out with dogs fed and coffee time in bed. I snapped photos of the ruler after paper bag sanding it ready to go. S had cereal quick then loaded the ruler and skates up and was off to town. He kindly is dropping the ruler off on his way to public skating. There is no shinny this week which has him discombobulated. He also needed to source fuel hose and handle.

Already warming up and losing frost but still pretty

I edited and loaded photos for another blog post: the Paetz game night, published it and started on another. The frost is dripping and dropping so I took the dogs for a walk hoping to get some photos before it was gone. The stack of boxes were hauled out for a gal to pick up. She was selective in ones she took as moving to England leaving a pile still. These may go to recycling now they are moved out.

S was back at noon for leftover bison lunch. I had a follow-up doctor appointment via phone. This is another positive side of covid. Quick calls that save driving, sitting and waiting and less germ exposure at dr offices. It is now plus 3 and hitting 4 and almost all the frost is gone.

The first truck load of fuel arrived. All went well. Once back in he hit the couch for a nap in the sunshine. I was back to blogging and photo sorting. Holy cow it is a bit confusing with so many devices with photos. Trying to make sure the new iMac has current ones as well as backing up old computer and phone on the external hard drive as well as online one drive. I published Christmas Eve post before 6 while S played solitaire and watched his Flames. 

Little miss getting her swim pants on to head to tonights swim lesson :)

B arrived just as I was taking the salmon out. A salad was made and we all enjoyed a most tasty supper. B went out to feed Bird. She is not feeling well with others sick at work. Mom has been sick as well and now Travis too. Boo! We had our usual hot tub soak after the Flames won! Then started up the Car Masters series on Netflix.

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