Monday, September 30, 2019

Piles of snow

Another broken sleep night, I think since Lola slept thru the storm, now that the wind let up she felt she needed to earn her pay. I woke at 7, peruse Instagram for awhile then made a cappuccino. Time to get caught up on some marketing. And crazy, Vance turns 16 today!!

I turned on Marilyn at 9 am with no service. A call to Bell suggested snow so I donned my quilted coveralls and headed out. Sure enough there was a ton of snow piled on the dish!

 I hauled over this spool and used a mop to clean it off. Of course where did all the snow fall? yep on me ;) The -1 temps and no wind felt not bad at all. I got the shovel out and cleaned the deck, and sidewalks before coming in. I wrote a tutorial for some of the salt and pepper sets and got it posted in proper places and such. Trying to catch up with the last 4 days on the blog was in order.

Seems my good intentions of getting my planters by the door to haul in where forgotten with my market w/e ;(

B was at her place panicking of course as today is last minute details on her house purchase and a walk thru. I convinced her to wait until the highways were cleared. It seems there was an unusual backlog with so much snow in southern Alberta all coming down. She was also worried about our lane.

Again I dawned my covies, grabbed the snow covered ranger, fed the cats, loaded a bale and led them into the paddock. Our road had about 8 " of snow but was so soft and easy to get through. I powered up the gate and broke trail both ways for her.

food truck arrives

B arrived not long after I was back inside around 1:15. In short order we were off to town, first stop tims for a pumpkin spice tea, next to get a few more cleaning supplies, pick up her bank draft down payment, attempted to get a post office box then drop off the check at the lawyers. It was then on to the town to set up utilities and taxes which required a trip back to the back for a deposit slip and back but now all is in order. The starving child hit DQ drive thru for her lunch and we were off to Rona for more paint swatches before getting to the condo for her inspection.
love the resilient flowers of Alberta

All went well and by 4:30 we were headed back to the ranch where I could start the hamburger soup for supper and box up the teal tray that sold and gets free shipping tomorrow. B crashed on the couch moving not long after to her bed and sound asleep. S woke at 8 to feed Cooper and eat her soup as I was reading a few chapters of my book.

Dave arrived after his long drive south from Edmonton just before 9:30 to enjoy a hot bowl of soup. Shaina arrived not long after about 10 and Sheldon by 11. Pretty full house at the in tonight ;)

Sunday, September 29, 2019


SNOW DAY!!! As forecast it was even snowier today as it now was accumulating. This was my view upon waking!

Not sure if it was weather change or the w/e but I woke with a headache that would not go away. I spent the morning updating my spread sheets, pages, sale sites and such. No TV or radio went on all day. B's work day at the track was cancelled too which was good seeing she had that nasty cold.

I unboxed my paint parcel

I did catch a bit of reading time in big brown with the massager on trying to rid my headache but it  turned to the nausea kind. I had made a smoothie and heated a chicken pot pie for late lunch early supper but it did not help either.

The wind had howled all day, the temperature was only -1 but it felt colder so hunkering down in the quiet house all day was good. I am sooooo happy this weather was today and not yesterday, thank you Lord! 

Canada post has free business shipping every Tuesday this month so I wrote up a blog post and soon it was accepted with the teal tray being the item of choice. Yeah!

I changed into pj's and crawled into bed. Rather then read as headache persisted I watched Oprah's When They See Us interview. Eventually around 9 the wind let up which had Lola thinking it was time to get to work ;) A few more YouTube paint videos before I read again till about 12 then shut out the lights. The One had me hooked even with the never ending headache but Miss Vicky's salt and vinegar and a green tea helped.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Market day 2 and the snow arrives

SO there was very little sleep last night and I mean little. After falling asleep after reading I awoke at 2:02 am. I tried to fall back asleep with no luck worrying how I was going to reverse the unloading plan and get out of the market tonight. Finally at 2:30 I turned on a light and finished reading the Tattooist by 4. Again trying to sleep with luck, I started the next book in the stack, The One reading till about 6 am. I finally fell asleep but woke at 7!!! And my alarm was not set until 7:45. it is going to be a long day.

Time for a cappuccino and get ready for the market day. I made another cappuccino to go and headed out at 8:30. Of course with my double gate open and close it took longer especially when the main gate was acting up again. I locked it in again so not to have any opening issues with the horses out. Snow was falling lightly as I drove off (without a winter coat, just a down vest) and it started to pick up as I went thru town to fill with fuel. I contemplated stopping at Amanda's to borrow one but decided I best get to the market to find a parking spot. The snow increased as I made my way to the city.

the view does not capture the fluffy flakes falling but they did increase

I arrived at 9:30 and found a spot to park in another parking lot this time leaving a bit more space in front of me. Inside I picked up a gift Amanda needed and looked into another before the doors opened at 10.

Today was a much better day for sales. Again I think the snowy weather brought people inside to shop.

The day went fairly fast with one bathroom break when a volunteer watched my booth. The weather reports varied from person to person but snow was pretty consistent. At 5 o'clock the doors were closed and it was time to take down.

I had it like this in about 15 minutes but with many having just tubs and a dolly bustling out I waited my turn to get the trailer in. I also requested Britt come help me move out seeing we would be doing allot for her this coming week. She worked at the track today and was not finished till 5 as well. She did arrive by 6, (sick with a head cold too) but our luck was not to be had for getting into the cue. The snow started to really come down as I was finally able to maneuver into the loading zone. As per Britt and Randy G, I drove in rather then back in. In hindsight I would NOT do this again. In short order B and I had all the pieces loaded, doors closed up and then it was backing out of that narrow roads banked with cement curbs in a white out snow day but I did it. 

It was now almost 7, B headed home to nurse her cold and tired day of working. I set off for home. Of course the snow let up outside the city limits LOL but it picked up closer to Strathmore. Good thing is it is melting soon after hitting the ground but feels cold. A coat sure would have helped! I stopped at Paetz's to drop off the Tattooist book and her parcel I picked up then I was off to pick up a parcel I had at the Purolator drop off. I grabbed a burger after having only a rice cake, some miss Vicky's chips and a weather so far today and it sure tasted good at 790 calories ;) Knowing the snow may sock in I grabbed a few groceries before making my way south.

Rolled into the yard at 8:30, 12 hours later, with the snow still coming down. I unloaded my parcels so not to freeze as forecast tonight, groceries and day bag and left the trailer of treasures out front. Lola was super excited to see me, was fed and off to patrol. I did some marketing catch up quick then changed into my comfy PJ's, grabbed a cold beer and crawled into bed to relax finally and read. My big market w/e was behind me.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Market #2 sneek peek night

Another usual start to the day, I was working on last minute prep when Lola alerted me to Cohlin dumping dirt at the pit (he is the guy borrowing the skid steer and trailer) around 10. He was just heading out when Amanda pulled in about 10:20 to drop off Aislyn so she can take Archer to his mom & tot gymnastic class.

We had a fun hour half play date with her back before 12 to pick up. The gate was not working coming in nor out, GRRRR. So much for that repair they did. I got a few last minute things done, grabbed 2 pieces of PB & honey toast and I was on my way to my 2nd market of the season.

The rain started to increase as I left the yard and was heavy on and off on my drive. I did of course arrive early at 1:30 but it made me feel better prepared. Booths were not to set up until 2 but I managed to get in just before. This venue has 1 area to load/unload for 110 vendors!!! And the entrance is a narrow long road with sidewalks with 8" curbs on both sides. I backed in fairly well I have to say even with school letting out, market vendors bustling in and out with carts, the rain and traffic never ending at this venue.

My stuff was stacked in the door and I was off to park the truck. I did a great park job at the back of one of the parking lots but in hindsight I should have hogged half of the spot in front of me as I will alter learn. Back inside I got busy hauling my stuff from the door to my spot halfway along the back wall. Shaina ands Kaylin did not make it in time to help me unload the trailer but they did make it to help set up. I think they enjoyed playing shopkeeper and had some great display ideas. Shaina had wardrobe and hairstyle ideas too that would have been nice had she suggested prior too but I did not mind the quirky colored legging look for the painter lady ;)

 I even made a wee hiding spot ;)

We had the booth set up in short order and the girls were off; tonight they are going out to celebrate Kaylin's upcoming birthday. THANK YOU for your help girls!! XOXO I did a bit of a peruse around to check out other vendors and grab a dirty chai from the coffee vendor. This was my first, have you had one?

market from the coffee vendor level

all ready to go

The market doors opened at 4 pm. The wet drizzly weather helped I think to send people inside to look but I found many were lookers or shoppers of $5 items. My first night was a bit disappointing I have to say but I did enjoy visiting with the vendors beside me.

aren't these laser cut cork maps a sweet idea? They come with colored pins to mark where you been and where you want to go and a heart charm to mark home

Amanda and Lynda stopped by a few times as did my sneak peek ticket winner. Amanda had sent me this picture of my parking spot.

I was out the door soon after they closed at 9 and sure enough a different car had me blocked in. It  was not long though and the shoppers came out and apologized for hemming me in hoping they were out before me. I set off and was home by 10. Time to EAT something.. and yes it was goulash day #4 or 5, I have lost track lol with a cold beer.

I did a few quick marketing updates then hit the shower finally crawling into bed after 11. I read a bit of my new book before shutting out the lights. However sleep was short lived, see tomorrow's post.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Blustery cool day

After my cappucinno and marketing I made one for Shaina who was suffering a headache soaking in the shower. She had to leave for personal training before 11. I staged up the last lazy susan then wrote a tutorial for the large white jewelry box. It then had to be loaded and sent to appropriate pages/people.

As I was packing up my new projects and removed the plastic I had used to cover the teal end table, I found glue spots that transferred!! WTH, even orange cleaner and mineral spirits would not remove but they did remove the paint!!! SO much for thinking the clear plastic would protect it when in the end it will now require the top completely redone ;( I started the repaint of the spots and left it till another day.

       There spatterings of rain started just after noon and off and on thru the afternoon with nothing really coming down but a few drops at a time. Shaina was back before 1(having just washed her jeep) to eat and nap but she did clean her breast collar left from last weeks clean and still has the cinch to go. She loaded up the dracaena spike I gave her and was off to train and boot camps before 4. B and Cooper arrived about quarter after 4 as I was hauling in my squash haul before the snow destroys it all. I also moved in the sprinkler and pulled the pump from the water tank.

We headed to town to meet with the lawyer and her sign her final paperwork, not long and she will be in her new house. We made a quick stop to pick up library books at Aj's, a quick tour thru Rona for light sales and paint swatches then grabbed some coffee creamer and made our way home by 6. She loaded up Cooper and headed back home to work tomorrow before her week off.

I was back out in the blustery wind bringing in the shop pump, disconnecting water hoses and finding a few more squash on the back flower bed plants. A quick trip to the far gate to let the horses out was the next order of business before coming into the warm house. Computer work including photo sorting and making scheduled posts were in order before I crawled into bed with the first book The Tattooist of Auschwitz. I had it half read by lights out at 11:30.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Market trailer 95% ready

Up and at it they say, on to a new day. 5:55 I awoke but was back to sleep till 7:30 and onto Instagram. Cappuccinos and marketing before it was onto getting projects finished. The ladders had one edge glued and clamped and the other had another coat of clear poly.

The large oak turntable was stenciled, sanded and sealed with another coat of black stain. Then it was the arduous task of stencil cleaning and piles of brushes.

Garage was organized including the little washstand scrubbed up and hauled inside. I swapped it out for the nightstand that sold in Shaina's room.

After lunch I headed out into the yet another lovely 17 degree day. Dang it this forecast snow is going to destroy so many pretty flowers and about 7 zucchini plants. I pulled some small plants and hand watered the garden hoping the last few zuc's can grow before tomorrow a bit more then pick. I put the sprinkler on the new trees however 2 hours later found it was stalled in the opposite direction so hand watered them and put the sprinkler their way for about a half hour.

I pulled the truck and trailer out front and got busy. I hauled the pink/white dresser in myself in parts, I was going to wait for Shaina to help bring in as one piece but with rain forecast for tomorrow it seems smarter to get inside. I swept the shavings out from Prairie girl market and moved stuff around. The 2 ladders were loaded and a few of the new items boxed up and loaded too.

Then it was time to pressure wash the board/shelf and frame I found a few days back.

Pep's pill and KD's bandage change were next order of business.

Back to the garage where the nightstand was wood filled in a few areas then inside to cook up a goulash supper.

I found similar but not exact hardware I had on hand for the nightstand to coordinate with the dresser

After I ate then hit the tub to soak and watch Netflix. I was strolling to the laundry room when Shaina popped her head up from the couch scaring the beejezzus out of me around 7:30. It seems her last boot camp was cancelled. I made us a smoothie to go with her goulash, had a quick catchup then I was off to relax in bed. I finished the When They See Us series. It is such a sad story for those poor 5 boys.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Ladders done... maybe

7 awake but tossed for half an hour before I perused Instagram then worked on marketing on the computer. Just before 9 I started the coffee, Candace joined me for our coffee toast and more world solutions. A tuna sandwich and tea were our lunch, Candace headed for home before 2.

The news says snow is coming Friday and a few days on freezing evening temperatures. I moved all the planters close to the garage doors to bring in later in the week and picked a few squashes.

Back to the ladders I made another shade of blue milk paint up, it is so close to the others it really blends. The new cut braces were sanded and nailed in place. When the paint was dry I hauled them both outside and power sanded them.

Good timing as a crazy wind blew in followed by some rain. Great break time for a beverage. Last night Yolanda messaged about the pink and white dresser and wanted a nightstand to match. I had sent her some choices this am and forgot one so sent it now. She liked it best especially after I found matching hardware. Seems I have a new piece to get painted now both are paid for in full.

I cooked zucchini and chicken for supper. Now that it was gorgeous out I jumped in the ranger and headed out to give Pep his pill and change KD's bandage. Both ladders were clear coated. Time for a smoothie with HTGAWM on my iPad finishing up the season while catching up the blog and writing up a newsletter.

Roo the pest knowing on my roll of vet tape