Sunday, July 31, 2016

rainy Sunday turns sunny to rain again

The rain continued thru the night, I got up at 3:30 to put Coco in her thunder kennel. It was soggy when Sheldon threw coffee on and let Lola out at 8. When he checked gauge at 9:30 there was 6/10ths!
another shot of Britt's flowers to brighten a dreary day

I rustled Britt up to doctor her patient at 10. Today he got a warm water hand bath which he quite enjoyed. Stall cleaned, meds dispersed and I gave him a few walks around the arena before tucking him back in his fresh stall with snacks.

We finished up just in time for the customers arriving at 11 to pick up the sweet pink nightstand.

Heading tot eh rodeo today we packed much better. We dressed in layers and packed rain coats and extra coats and were all prepared but as we packed the sun started to break thru and once at the grounds it was smokin.. maybe not as hot as last few days but a nice warm sunny day. The infield was another story, it was soupy!
 check out the infield

 I believe this was Luke Butterfield
 two fister drinker

think this is lane kust? on wayne Vold's smokin hot horse

 think this is Chuck Scmitt

 Nikki show #2.. again well done even in the slop

 some of the barrel racers

 good raking boys

 this is Mary Walker #1 in world but not on Latte today, this is her 2nd string boy

 Dakota Buttar gets top mark so far and day money today with 85

 wild horse race.. oh my

then it was time to head home, dropping Britt with Josh on way by school, for a cold beer and upload this great pics. It seems they cancelled running with the bulls due to safety reasons.. does mud make you less safe when running with crazy bulls?

I checked on Shiloh and made the girls food. There are swarms of mosquitoes around so put a sheet on Switch and made some new spray and put on them but not sure it is working. Sheldon went to town for the chucks but it was not long and this was my view from the ranch
 yep it seems to be pouring in town

 the oats are lodged down in many areas with all this recent rain
 and it seems raining south of here too

an hour or so later a bit of rain comes along but all while the sun shone brightly and created a double rainbow