Sunday, February 14, 2016

skull prep, acupuncture & store set up & Valentines day!

 Happy Valentines Day!!!!

Valentines day, the day of love, chocolate and flowers has arrived.. and what a lovely day it was. Relaxing start with coffee in bed and double pack mars bars on Prince's pillow ;) The prince spent the morning researching how to clean his skull while Britt did a bit of requested housework before she and I ran to town for her acupuncture appointment. Sheldon headed out to tackle this new project as we left.

We grabbed teas on the way home. I continued the "store" set up and making all my pricing tags while juggling garage sale post pick ups. The high today was 10, Britt got busy cleaning out her car, which was NEEDED! She then harrowed and hosed the arena down to ride. After 3 hours of work, this is the skull stage.

He cleaned up and putzed around while Britt rode and I prepared our yummy feast..
 taking this sink full to this
 so delicious
after supper B tidied up, found a google recipe and made us scrumptious Irish coffee for dessert, well done Britt! We enjoyed it by a blazing fire, what a great Valentines day.

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