Friday, October 2, 2015

quite a Friday.. birthday Friday!!

Friday.. awake at 7:30 thanks to the 7th call from a new revenue Canada phone scam.. yes it is blocked but still rings once before blocked waking said individual!! GRRRR   Well I did see the sunrise if any consolation:)

Today is lovely Kaylin's 24th birthday. She is lucky enough to be celebrating it in the city of lights with Shaina and the Schmitt's today. I had a quick chat with her as they were getting ready to get going with her special day. Hope it is fantastic and fun and full of adventure.

I spent a bit of time with a coffee promoting my page on a few sites before I headed out to the garage to work on the dresser for a couple hours. Today it got a bit more paint (yes even the most efficient painters forget the bun feet under the cabinet) then a good first coat of clear wax.
 check the feet.. opps!
now fixed ;)
 wax on the left and dry paint on right
 look at how flush I got that hand mitered piece ;)

The next project was to deconstruct the frame I bought from the picker. Holy were there nails, it was not quite what I would do but now after it is all apart I can work my magic. I started on another wood frame too with a similar paint in mind for both. The work on this led me to remember another gal wanting to buy a frame so I headed outside.
OMG, it was overcast but when I hot the great outdoors it was amazingly warm at 22. I let Julio in the paddock to feed him and started the water to fill the water trough. A quick check on the window frame I have on hand turned into an adventure into hantavirus land. I moved and sorted all the windows stacked on pallets to the one old shed I had put others in.

The UPS fellow stopped to drop off my replacement Corelle plate, got to like that warranty. I finished up the windows and came in to scrub off the hantivirus germs. I actually had removed pants and hoody too and threw in the wash and just poured a cold beer before a quick shower. The dogs began to bark and I could hear a truck. Grab some pants!!

Turns out the fellow Sheldon had asked to bale arrived to see the deal. It so happens they are forecasting rain and possible snow coming in tonight and all day tomorrow. He figured he could fit it in and Sheldon kindly volunteered me to rake ahead of him. WHAT!! I have never drove the tractor let alone partake in the baling process. But for the next 5 hours that was my new death by fire learning task.

Yep he was ready to roll so had me drive him down gravel back roads to his rake, hitch me up then have me drop him at another field to get his demo tractor and baler. I then was off down a goat trail then highways making my way home pulling this fancy rake.

 his fancy demo rig and the rake.. and WTH.. not long and I am covered in oil.. farm machinery!
Back at the house, rake unhitched then hitched to tractor and my push in the clutch put it in 2B instructions had me pulling it around the round about and off to the field. A quick push this lever to open the wings and this lever to lower the rake and stay between to swaths were the next rules and I was off. 2 1/2 hours later I had them all doubled and he baled 76 bales right behind me.

 does no one ever wipe a steering wheel??

 yep, left so fast I am wearing my garage crocs
hot on my tail trying to finish before storm rolls in!

It was now just after 7 and getting dark, and a few drops of rain spotted the window. I ran to feed the dogs as he got the rake road ready then drove tractor to yard and parked. I ran into wash my dirty hands to find sputtering water.. YEP the water was still running! Pretty sure the trough is full and perhaps the paddock. As I ran to shut the pump off Julio ran with me so I ran and grabbed him food. I rushed to the house again for truck keys, backed in and had rake hooked up and we headed out to reverse the pattern. By now the wind had started and it blew. The dusty gravel back roads were so crazy with leaves and grass blowing as the hazard lights of the tractor/baler and my truck flashed. eventually we arrived and backed all in, now it was a stop out in the field for him to check and move a truck. Finally I was back home by 8:30 after dropping him at his truck here in our ditch. I put the dogs happily in the garage for the night.

The weather picked up even worse so no horse care tonight guys, the pelting rain and wind are just too crappy. Time for a cold beer and some left over wings then a hot shower now the water had returned. wow what a day!

Happy birthday Kaylin!! Shaina text they were just getting ready to go out and party as I worked on the blog  here at 11.


  1. I'm totaly impressed with how fast you learn to run farm equipment. I had to read a lot of pages in the baler book even to check to see if string was strung right. I to got to drive the tractor pulling the bale wagon, slow at first then as confidence picked up I could almost keep up with Travis. He is not what you call a patient teacher. Good for you!

  2. well thanks Mom, there really was no option at the time.. but I do learn quick. seems I have to learn how to roll out a bale with the skidsteer tomorrow as the pastures are bare .. learn something new everyday they say! On the ranch it is usually many a day ;)
