Monday, October 12, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving, a day to be extra grateful for your many blessings. Kaylin and Lexi arrived at 8:30 am after Shaina got dropped at work. Lexi shared her thanksgiving joy with all while Kaylin headed back to bed. Mom called to check on time turkey would be served and her and Dad would be coming over to join us.

ponies enjoying the warm morning sunshine
Pepper demonstrated his agility under the fence prompting Sheldon to hot up the fence. This was his project for the day.
The girls ran in to pick up Shaina from work finishing up early around noon. Mom and Dad arrived soon after. The black and blue table lady arrived finally to pick up her table she paid for a few days ago which made a bit more room on the main floor, yeah! Mom helped her load it all up and get her underway. Thanks Mom.
I continued to get the big meal underway. Once girls were back home it was time to visit, Britt doctored Bird and by 3 the scrumptious meal was ready to be enjoyed.
my safety first child!

Eating mid afternoon allowed everyone to get back home at a good time for work and school tomorrow. Only one disaster.. my turkey platter broke ;( and the wind returned late after noon, double boo!
Everyone headed off after 5 after some packing up left overs with such a huge turkey. Thanks for everyone's help to make supper come together. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

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