Saturday, October 3, 2015

blustery crappy day

The storm blew most of the night, by morning it was just a bit less wind. It was dark when I first woke at 7 but when I wok again at 8:30 the windows were covered in drizzle. It was plus 3.. all night and all day, brrrrr.
Perfect day for coffee and indoor painting. The custom dresser got dark wax added, then a drawer front repainted and waxed then all drawer fronts for dry brushing and waxes again and still I am not sure. And of course there is always issues once old pieces put back together, it seems the husband's reglue job on the drawer edge was not flush, so I had to plane it down and repaint and wax it too but it now fits perfect.

I worked on the frame shelf scrubbing it up good and shortening one side, yep 1/8" longer.. people. On a break I downloaded yet another 100+ pictures to the order site.. eat the elephant in small pieces they say!

Another frame got a good scrubbing and then I painted the old cream burlap inside a fall yellow and dark waxed the rustic wood frame.
this is dirt running off the frame after scrubbing and several rinses, yuck!

I did venture out late after noon, the spitting rain only was in am but the biting wind stayed till supper. I fed Julio and then marched out in the pasture to treat Bird's wounds. She is coming along, right feet are still the worst ;( The dogs spent most of the day in the garage, ok Diego did and the night again of course.
I did redo the drawer fronts on the dresser before I shut up work around 8 and finally cooked up a late veggie supper. Time to repost all my things for sale on Kijiji then read some of The Nightingale.

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