Monday, October 26, 2015

hired man arrives

Today was a big day for the Prince, he got a hired man that builds without his help. He was up before 8 turning on coffee pot then catching up on news. The fellow arrived just after 8:30 and the prep talk began and soon he was underway. This allowed Sheldon to come back and finish his coffee and give me a hand trying to reassemble Kaylin's mirror frame. In the end I think it is just to flimsy to invest into a chalkboard ;(.

Not long and the clay/sand scout was out for a consult. This is in the works now so things had to be moved around the shop doors to allow big trucks to pull in and out and dump.

I worked on quite a few projects; the old frame got buffed up, all the chalkboard centers and a frame got 3 coats of paint throughout the day, Marissa's frame got first coat of paint as did the wedding frame. I moved in my planters too as this am was -1.
 chalk board centers pre paint
 before & after first coat

wedding frame before and after first coat

 guess I will still have flowers for awhile while I work
the black dresser mirror frame got a good scrubbing and left to dry, see the red dye, that stuff washed off the whole thing 
 another frame with built in photo got 3 coats of chalkboard paint too
I out in a  chicken to roast for supper as Sheldon ran to town for more supplies. Kaylin and Aaron stopped and moved her box springs into storage trailer, had a brief visit, Sheldon was back in time to say hi too, then were off. (He brought a hot tea too, thank you!!)
 hired man progress for the day.. the tops of the walls and partial kick wall bottom right shown above
Shaina was staying again after her shift ended at 5, she arrived just in time for full fledged chicken supper but wait, as Sheldon was unloading his wood he found he bought wrong plywood so back to town he went. It was an hour before he returned but supper tasted sooooo good , must have been the wait.

The wind blew in after super and turned cold, it did hit 12 today which was ok. Shaina ran back to town to visit with Jenna then returned for family movie night in the king bed, tonight's feature... SPY! ;)

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