Sunday, October 4, 2015

getting cold in here .. no furnace

Sunday, happy birthday papa!! Diego of course wanted out after 8.. if only a dog door the size of a skid steer was not needed for the brute. Coffee and a peruse on the net. Again it is only 4 and cloudy.
The dresser got a buffing and put back together, the customer will be out after lunch to check it out. I scrubbed up and painted a frame red then concocted how to install the cork board. It seems saving parts of other projects is handy and I so happened to have a large foam board which worked great once cut to size. I affixed the cork with double sided tape and hope that works and left to flattened under paint can weight for 24 hours. The frame once dry got clear and dark wax added too.

The wood/yellow frame got a coat of wax on the yellow, once dry I tried adding dark wax for even more dimension but disliked to once again it got painted and left to dry.
I decided it may not warm up so went out to feed Julio and bring Bird in to hose good and treat.I think the under arm area is really healing up nice.

The customer stopped and approved of the job and will send husband to pick up ASAP. I pulled it outside as the sun had finally popped out for a bit now.

Time to run to town quick dropping off old pots for green thumb Craig as well as a box of Popsicles and bubble-wrap for the kids as first stop. A quick stop at hospital lab I ran into Jody S and had a quick catch up, good to see you Jod. Couple more stops to check on paint, restock some beverages and groceries and I was off back south. The weather turned back to crappy and cold but had gone up to 6 lol. Tim's pumpkin spice tea double double warmed me up!
I found this new gift card in a purse I had not used in some time, WAHOO!!! like finding $25 in your pocket of an old coat! Note to all.. check items before giving away to rummage sales or charities!
I snapped this picture for ad post on way in, here is close up of Friday's work

Dreaded unpacking of groceries was followed with another hour of uploading photos. I noticed that the house was a bit chilly and when I checked it was 19 in the house but set to 22 and not furnace working. Trouble shooting with the boss long distance did not find an answer so eventually I sorted out myself that at least turning the in-floor heat on would help a bit. It seems my electrician took a jumper out so upstairs in floor heat will not work..but at least heat rises hopefully ;)

Hot bath should warm one up then jump into flannel sheets, good plan as it is now midnight and I am just finishing the blog but need to read a few chapters, ciao ;)

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