Thursday, October 29, 2015

arena floor is completed!

It is 7:30 and still dark, Diego is doing his job alerting me to visitors, sure enough a convoy of 5 trucks has arrived just as the sun begins to rise in a spectacular show. As promised, Gray's has a fleet of fellows here to complete the riding arena. Two lowboys hold a packer, track steer with bucket and another track steer with grader? I large water truck, the first load of clay and the boss man in his pickup. The horses even sounded alerts but I think they at first thought a bale was being rolled out, once they saw all the equipment they booked it to the far NE corner. Lola tried to hold off the deck but I put her in with D to keep they out of the way of all the big trucks and milling workers. Did not last long as she gets to hot inside but D was happy to stay in ;)

Time for a coffee and enjoy the sunrise. 4 more loads of clay rolled in followed by 3 sand, or at least I think. Britt text with awesome news, she was chosen for the AEF scholarship, I think it is the $1500 to only 1 recipient. YEAH B!!!! well worth the effort it took during that stressful time and again thanks to Gran for proof reading her essay and providing helpful changes.

After procrastinating a bit and snapping a few pictures of arena progress I got busy on the chair. Two hours later I had all the staples out and material all off. I took 45 pictures to remember the exact way they were, thank goodness for digital!

Diego and I went out around lunch to check progress, he bust his way thru the ice in his jumbo waterer this am and had to stop for another drink now ;), the sand is getting leveled and looking good!
It was time then to finish Marissa's frame after I buffed it up. Attaching the chicken wire is all a challenge as I have to juggle the frame balancing against my head while holding wire to edge of frame and trying to get the staple to cross strategically. Then ends gets bent and staples taped in firmly with hammer and flat head screwdriver

The fellows finished up the arena floor at 2, reversing the process of loading up all the machinery and tools. The dogs and I went to check it out in the 13 + gorgeous sunshine, it cant really be Oct 29th but I will take it. A bit later the dogs joined me on another walk to the gate, this time to meet Marissa and pass off her new memo frame.

 loving it, now to get the kick wall up and it will be good to go!
I took the glass out of Tash's frame and got the cork laid out to flatten before inserting.

I continue to procrastinate on the cutting of the material but I did get my seam ripper and take apart all the chair seams. Reupholstery is not for those with dust allergies, holy moly! And I am lucky, although this chair is 80 + years old it has been indoors all the time. In my online research, I have seen some crazy dirty pieces. I am pretty confident this will be my first and last project.
The wedding frame got a touch up coat on the top then flat matte sealer. Shaina arrived to stay the night this time bringing me a Starbucks pumpkin spice latte.. my fall treat, THANK YOU lovey! She and I watched Still Alice, Limitless and then started the series Wentworth before retiring for the night.

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